Monday was a special day for Sam and I. For Sam, because he was able to go to his 'new school', the elementary school he will be attending this fall for his kindergarten assessment. I was just fine with it, until Miss C, one of the office attendants, said something as they were escorting him back, about how small but excited he was. He has been so excited. It's hard for me to get too teary about my middlest baby starting kindergarten when he's so excited about it. He really is happy, and his joy is simply contagious.
I love our school. They are so excited to "Get Sam". They just reinforce in my heart and mind what an answer to prayer this school has been. They aren't dreading the new crew coming in, they are excited. They are honored and happy to be gaining these new students. And the have Joy at the privilege they get to teach my Sams. It makes me happy that they see Sam's attendance in kindergarten as a privilege and something to get excited about. That they share my Joy, that's what makes me teary, not having to say goodbye to being home with my Sam's every day.
Though honestly, he hasn't really been home every day with me this year. He's ready to go. He can't wait. It's hard for me to be sad since he's so happy. He's already told me that he wants a green lantern backpack for the first day of school. My only thought was, of course you do.
After our meeting at school, we got to have lunch with my friend Amy who moved away a couple years back. I usually let her choose where she wants to go and what she wants to do when she comes to town, but she was in the mood to be 'culinarily adventurous'. I loved that term. So I introduced her to Thai at Thai Lanna. And it was Good. Yes, that's 3 times this month that I've gotten to eat thai. It's a record. But it's because I have a serious problem. It's a tom yum soup problem. I think it will be better on my pocketbook if I just learn how to make it and buy the ingredients. The amazing thing about our lunch date, besides that we had a great lunch, was that So Did the Boys! Jacob ate puffs and cheerios, and Sam at chicken satay, aka chicken on a stick. They proved that everything is better when served on a stick. I think Jake may have eaten a small bite of chicken, because one minute the bite was there, then it was gone, but I didn't see it. And the second bite, he definitely threw overboard. Obviously a waste, so I wasn't about to give him a third. But he's almost becoming an carnivore. :)
Sam ate so well that after lunch, he asked for ice cream. In answer to another craving, we hit orange leaf. Surprisingly, the calories that I ate there weren't as hideous as I thought they'd be. I have lost 8 pounds in the last month. And I find it's easier to do it as a lifestyle rather than just a diet if I splurge on occasion. So I remember why I'm doing what I'm doing. A little taste on occasion is ok, otherwise, I'm liable to just blow the whole thing. And it was so good.
Sam even shared some of his blue froyo with Jacob. He didn't know what hit him. But he knew he liked it.:)
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