Wednesday, January 2, 2019

A Quiet Day at Home


We did nothing most of the day .  We worked on putting things away on New Year's Day.  
And Daddy had to go to back to work today.  
It was weirdly quiet all day.  The kids were doing their own thing, playing with presents, being quiet.  It was weird all day.

Except this one.

Of an entire nicely organized closet for him to choose

But what he really couldn't wait to wear....

his new yellow bathrobe.  

And just so you know, I love his baby curly hair.  

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Liquid Resolutions


It's a New Year, another year for great New Year's Resolutions.   I always get a little overwhelmed when thinking about what I want to do in the new year.   It never fails I fizzle out come spring.  This year I decided to participate in my Young Living Leadership Support Team Challenges for January.  I can commit to a month.

One diamond leader is doing a Water Challenge.  I've done this before... but always in summer.  I'd not thought of upping my water intake in winter.  Rather brilliant really.  I know the effects.  I guess I'm so dehydrated, I'm just not thinking that something as simple as water is what I need.  But I do.  So I am all in.  In fact, I just pulled my decorated jug out of the cabinet, didn't add anything fancy.  I've done this before, set the numeric goal, drink half of my body weight in ounces of water per day. Gotta tell you, after hopping on the scale this morning, that number was HIGH.   But I've been eating Holiday style for days, and my body is done, I just need to stay home. And that is the Plan. Luckily, we have little going on, so staying home and drinking  and peeing all the time sounds Great. 

Step 1 - Water with a drop of Slique Essence Essential Oil blend.  
This blend contains Grapefruit, Tangerine, Lemon, Spearmint, Ocotea, and a tad of Stevia extract.
It's refreshing, and balancing to the blood sugar, while supporting the whole body during weight loss. 
So, I thought I'd start my day with this. 
130 ounces is a Lot of Water. 

Plus, I've been sick. 
Even my tissues are talking to me. 
I'm tired of being sick and tired. I'm weaning off the prednisone and I feel terrible. 
I lost my voice right after Christmas. Drinking and peeing all this toxic crud out of my body sounds Fantastic.

The other YL leader Challenge is a Ningxia Red challenge.  That one won't be hard for me to hit, as I've been drinking it daily since I started feeling crummy anyway.  I don't have stash enough to get all 5 of us going on it. I should've started drinking it in November to keep my immune system supported through the season, maybe I wouldn't have gotten sick at all.  Who knows? 

I want to jump start my YL business again, I want to get off my duff, I want to take more photos, (thus starting the count again), and I want to do these drinking challenges.  
Hopefully,  the combination of these liquids, drinking good things will lead to getting healthier, and moving my butt will help me lose weight too.  These are all my New Years goals.  Wish me luck!