Sunday, May 25, 2014

No, really, she's retiring


Thursday was my mother-in-law's last Kindermusik class.   We think so, anyway.  She retired a couple years ago, but she really didn't retire.   She left the public sector, retiring from 25 years of teaching elementary music and band in IPS.  She started teaching Kindermusik before retiring.  And the last two years, she's been pretty much full time at it.  She was Chris's teacher, then Sam's.  But now she's retiring.  For real this time so she says.

This Thursday was her last class of teaching Sam.  We snuck away and returned after the littler kids class for a small farewell fest.  Miss Laura had decorated the library room.

It was really neat.  
She said it was a better Farewell than she got when she retired last time. 
  Now she will be guilt free when she travels, and she is booked every month until the end of the year.  How wonderful to be able to play  like that.  Personally, I wish she wouldn't quit.  I had wanted her to be Sam and Jake's music teachers too.  But I suppose if you make an exception for 2 grandchildren, then you have to teach them all, and she'd never retire.

The kindermusik crew is going to miss her.   We had a little fest where Miss Laura brought in some fruit and animal crackers to snack on.  The kids that were still there were thrilled. Jacob, Sam, and I brought her some flowers.  Sam picked a bouquet because he thought her favorite color was purple, and there were a few green flowers in it.  As far as he's concerned green flowers is the only way to go for any bouquet! 

Jake was pretty chill.  He snacked on animal crackers.  This kid is pretty happy as long as there are carbs. 
Me too, babe, me too.  
I am gonna miss Mom teaching though.