Ahsoka has the right idea.
New Year's Eve is a good time to relax and chill.
It was a little weird this year not to have any fam come over.
With the Pandemic, we opted to stay in, and just put on a spread by ourselves.
It ended up being quite nice.
I did my nails with some Colorstreet from my friend Jess.
It's Berlin It To Win It with a Coming Up Rose God overlay.
Now I'm ready to PAR-TAY!
Grandma and Grandpa got the kids a Drum Set for Christmas.
And it is loud. We put it together yesterday, and the kids couldn't wait to play.
Thank goodness Santa also brought headphones. ;)
The kids played hard.
We also watched Avatar: The Last Airbender
The movie isn't nearly as good as the tv show.
Though New Years' is always about food.
Since we were staying in, and just being home by ourselves, we put out quite a spread.
As on any special occasion, Eric started the day with a special breakfast. I love how we do this as part of our regular routine. We used the leftover Christmas bacon to put on egg, cheese, and honey flakey biscuit sandwiches. Oh My Goodness! They were heavenly.
Since we were going to be home by ourselves, we put out a Charcuterie tray... or 3.
Honestly though, we've been doing fruit/cracker/cheese/meat trays for years, we just never called them Charcuterie.
These were pretty "cute" though, weren't they?
And more importantly everyone ate!

As a treat for me, and a nod to Mom W, Eric got me some shrimp cocktail. We picked up a small pack of frozen shrimps and had some St. Elmo's cocktail sauce from my Dad on hand. Dude. That sauce packed a punch.
As another nod to Mom and Dad, we included veggies. We don't often remember veggies, that's usually Mom's job on New Years to make sure we remember to eat veggies. We did do a good job on our own.
Eric found some toasted treats, some Brazi Bite Brand Empenadas.
They were a little different from my traditional Brazi Bites. I think I prefer the originals better.
We got a sprinkle of snow, and that made Ahsoka go nuts.
She loves to bound and leap in the snow.
And she insists we always go out with her.
She's a maniac, but she's really been a great joy for our family this year, she really refreshes our lives, and makes us laugh every day.
Like when she does stuff like this.
She's a nut with a frisbee.
Or when she sleeps like this.
It's not the most flattering shot of the kids, but the dog is hysterical.
Or this.
If you're getting tired of pictures of Ahsoka, I'll stop now.
We stayed in, stayed up, and simply watched the Ball Drop together.
Cheers with our Sparkling Grape Juice.
The kids love it and so do I!
Happy New Year!