A long time ago, my Dad colored his hair blue for a Colts game. I want to say it was like 10 years ago. And when I saw the pictures, I loved it. I made a promise to myself, when I go to a Colts Game, I will dye my hair blue! The thought of me going to a Colts game was radical. And practically impossible that it would ever happen. Right up there with me getting a tattoo when Butler wins the NCAA tournament. Ha! So anyway, my father called last weekend, and invited me to a Colts game! So there it was, I needed blue hair. My stepmom is a Pro at dying hair blue by now, so I zipped down there to get my hair dyed. Well, as it turns out, dying dark hair doesn't turn out quite as awesomely as dying my dad's shock white hair. So I do not glow blue like he does. However, since the hair at the edge of my scalp and eyebrows is pretty light still, it picked up the blue pretty well. We learned also that while blue spray dye works great on Daddy, I require the gel. And doing gel on eyebrows works a ton better than the spray.

Here are Daddy and I ready to go!
I promised Eric I would take a selfie of Daddy and I.
You can tell we're related, because of the eyebrows, of course. ;)
My Dad won the honor of being invited to participate in the Team's entry to the field.
They call it the Tunnel Club. He even got a pin.
Consequently, we had to be there an hour before tip, err, kickoff.
We had lunch at the Club, just outside the area where their seats are, and I got the biggest roast beef sandwich I've ever had in my life. Well, it was a hunk of prime rib, so yeah, it was Serious.
We walked into the dome, and the sun was shining, it was a sea of blue and white, so clean, clear and beautiful. I didn't think it would be that beautiful. My eyes got teary. What an honor. I know you all probably think I'm a sap for being moved to tears just walking in to a football game. I'm sure a lot of folks take that beauty for granted. Not me. It was a Gift, one I really appreciated.
We got there in plenty of time to watch the Team practice.
They even did a pre-game huddle; it looked like they were praying.
I'd like to Think they were Praying.
This is the team entrance. How's that for an Entrance, to enter through the mouth of a giant snorting horse?! And how beautiful is that sea of blue?!
Zooming in, my father and the rest of the tunnel club, he's the 5th guy under the goal right under the horseshoe. Of course, I could also say, he's the guy with the blue hair!
When the team began to enter, they lit up that Colt thing, and welcomed the team.
The Tunnel club lined up, Daddy is about the 28 yard line on the border closest to us, just inside the line of shade. Smart Daddy. We were warm up there, I imagine it was downright toasty in the sun.
I've seen this on tv. But this was my first time seeing this giant beautiful flag in real life. My Dad was down by the tunnel entrance. Soldiers held the flag, and a few sang along, but it was breathtaking. So Beautiful.
So the game went well too. The Colts were up 20 - 10 at Halftime. And that's because we were being nice. The thing about the NFL that I really miss is the Band. I miss being able to hear the band play during timeouts, or even commercial breaks. But the halftime, I knew I was going to miss a halftime show most of all. So, imagine my surprise, when they announced the Hoosier Marching Hundred, the Marching Band from IU. They did a great show. They said it was superhero themed, I didn't catch that, but I did dig their finale that ended with Sing,Sing, Sing. One of my favs.
Their percussion section rocked; they had great spirit!
And I kept thinking, that band looks Huge to me.
I must've been out a while, when 100 bandmembers looks so huge to me.
Yeah, as they were exiting the field, they announced the Hoosier Marching Hundred has 258 people. Uh huh. How about Hoosier Hundreds?
We got a cheesy photo of us against the field, taken by the people behind us, with my little point and shoot. I didn't bring the beast, because a. Daddy was bringing his, and b.
Pat McAfee leads the team back in. They lined up right in front of us, and it looked pretty.
Pat McAfee is Chris's favorite player, because he was gifted his jersey, which had disappeared for months, until I went on a Mission today, (no small task actually) and found it. Whew! So the world is once again safe. But I can see why Chris likes him so much, he's becoming one of my favorites too.
While I was at the game, my husband called me, which I had texted (yes I can actually text, he changed our plan a while back, but do so only when there's no way I would be able to hear a call, like say if I were at an NFL football game) that we had been invited to a Wine Tasting with my brother in law. Child care provided. Say what?! Wine and no kids!?! Sign me up!
Oh wait, do they care that I'm blue? I did not think I'd have enough time to wash the blue out of my hair, I had an epic amount of product in there, right up there with my wedding day. So Blue Eyebrows were headed to a fancy wine tasting.
We went down to Mallow Run in Bargarsville. And sampled. My brother-in-law had won a wine tasting for friends at a silent auction, and a couple coworkers had been unable to make it, so we got our last minute invite. Score! They had a dry section and a sweet section. I stayed sweet, and it was Good! And I couldn't tell you how long it had been since we had a kidless date with my inlaws. Oh happy day. I think I chatted with them more in 20 minutes than I had in months!
And did I mention the wine was Verra Nice?
Yes, it was yummy.