So, here goes.
Our word of the year: Healthy
Healthy body, mind, and spirit, all around, that seems to be our common theme.
1. Read the Bible - With regard to a higher mind and spirit, I'm following my friend's blog study of the Message bible. I'm proud to say we've finished the first two books, Genesis and Exodus. I saw her write on her list of books read so far this year, Genesis by Moses. Loved it! And am totally putting that in my entry to the Brownsburg Winter Reading Program!
2. Go back to Choir - This one falls on more healthy spirit, using my God-given gifts to bring Glory to God. I'm thrilled to be back in the church choir, though I've only made it to practice twice this year due to illness and weather. Progress.
3. Join a Gym - Yup, I did it. I joined the Connection Pointe Christian Church gym. I've also made it to 4 Yoga Classes. I haven't actually worked out In the Gym. The first time I tried, I thought there was Child Care, and there wasn't. So...but there is for Yoga class. I even talked my sister into coming with me last week. We had a good time, even though our Warrior pose looks more like a surfer, and pigeon pose kills my hips. Obviously I need it. I'm doing my Wii Fit at home couple times a week too, so that's progress. I've lost 8 pounds already!
4. Take a Photography Class - Blessedly with everything else that's been going on, my teacher, aka Daddy, isn't a nazi. No must-get-done-immediately homework assignments or anything. Low Stress. We exchange emails on occasion, and I've only just started chapter 2 in my book...still reviewing my how to load my Card. I did enter Pioneer Woman's most recent photo contest on flowers, I didn't realize I could enter every day, so I only submitted these. I didn't make the cut, but I figure being brave enough to put my stuff out there is Progress. I'm thinking now I might make a watermark...any suggestions?

5. Get boys healthy - This one is going to take a while. This month, we got Sam into the Developmental Pediatrician, and they basically said ok, we'll see you in 6 months, unless the results are bad from his next swallow study in March/April. We got Chris in to be assessed by a social worker in Child Psych for his behavioral issues. I also took a Biblical Parenting seminar, and am now less convinced that Chris has some sort of Behavioral syndrome, that he's got Justified Anger and that we can't get on the right page. Chris also followed up with Urology for the bladder spasms, the basically blew us off, see you in 6 months. On one hand, hooray for him being healthy enough to require care, on the other I feel like we're just sitting tight until we do the MACE. So, we're kind of in a holding pattern with both boys. At least they are eating and sleeping a bit better.