There's a new Superhero in town!
Even Sam wants to 'fly' on the stairs with his big brother the Superhero.
We thought today might be a bumpy day, when Sam lost his breakfast this morning. We thought the flu might be back . It was right after a big nursing session, he slept in bed with Daddy for 8 hours last night going a record 10 hours without drinking, he made up for it in the morning. Then lost it. But we stayed home in our jammies all day just the same. Within an hour, Sam was making trouble, climbing in the dog's water dish...yeah, he was fine.
Since we were homebound, we just played around the house all day. Chris borrowed a T-shirt Daddy got for doing a 15K yesterday, and told me it was his Cape. Though a voice in my mind kept saying "No Capes", I tucked the shirtsleeves into the neck of his shirt (not about to tie anything around his neck) and sent him off saying, Go Little Superhero. He was off to "Go Fly". Daddy even let him take his nap in his Cape. That was like the Biggest Treat EVER. He woke up calling me into his room, I said, Hello Sweetie. He looked at me, and said, I Have a Cape! Hopped out of bed, and off he went to Save The World.
At one point, I was putting away the groceries, and I mentioned I was having trouble finding room for all the baby food jars.
Christopher says, "That sounds like a Super Big Problem Mommy!" He said it in the exact same voice that SuperWhy says it. I asked him if he was Superwhy, he grabbed a pen and his little 'puter, and told me he was going to help me with the power to read.
But when his Grandparents popped by this evening, he told them he was Batman. Either way, I think I know a boy who wants to be a Superhero when he grows up.
Mother of Rome by Lauren Bear
3 days ago
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