Yes. I'm going to call it.
I'm calling it Spring!
Suddenly today we went outside to wait for the bus, and there it was a Cluster of Crocuses. Yesterday there were only a couple, today a grouping of 26! Happy Day. It does my heart good to see that splash of color in the garden! May even motivate me to do some trimming or cleanup...maybe. It was 70 outside today, even though the weather is supposed to turn, it was still lovely.
Even Sam was content to play in the flowers. OK, he was content to grab at leaves. Twice I had to pull dried dead leaf fragments out of his mouth.
Whatever. My boys love the outdoors! Chris came home from school and joined us checking out the flowers too. He told us that Bees love flowers, they are their home.
And you know it's Spring when you see your first Bee. We found this baby bee on the driveway. Chris said he was trying to find the flowers. He wasn't going far, so I made him pull his car away from the baby bee. We watched this little guy LEAP into the air, not quite fly, catch the wind and come back down on the driveway to a spot 2 feet away. Very interesting.
After naps we went outside again, this time, just hanging out in the driveway for a while. I put Sam down next to me, leg touching mine, but while I was talking to the neighbor and Chris was sketching like Dali in Chalk, Sam made a break for it. I looked up, and he'd gone halfway down the sidewalk to the neighbors. Good thing my friend was keeping an eye, I was shocked he'd made it so far so fast. This one's going to be trouble....
But Chris has discovered the beauty of chalk. He made his own chalk drawings, telling me what they were, (I confess I had no idea one was a penguin and the other was "rain")but he expects that I should know, it's kind of sweet. But then I found him a rock, and drew him a hopscotch game, and he started hopping right down it. Instead of 1 foot, he does feet together, feet separate. I think he must've done this game before...at school perhaps. But he had fun!
And I had fun watching him. My boys are pretty amazing, and beautiful to watch. OK, less than fabulous when they bring the chalk inside and try drawing on the carpet. I made Chris 'scrub' it out, which he tried a bit, but wasn't able to get far, and hopefully he won't get more practice on that one.
It's going to be a great spring, playing outside with Both my Boys! I can't wait.
Mother of Rome by Lauren Bear
4 days ago
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