Today was Christopher's Field Day at school. It was also our last MOPS meeting, which was sad, but it was time to move on. Because I wanted and needed to be at the meeting, I didn't volunteer to help out with Field Day. But I asked, in advance, if it was ok to come observe, be a cheerleader if you will. They said it was ok if I brought Sam to Cheer. So we showed up after lunch to cheer Chris on.
He was so sweetly bedecked, he was in his class's purple shirt, he told me he needed a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen today. And so when we arrived, he was Ready.
When we arrived, Sam got mobbed by kindergartners, because he was the baby and he was cute. I love how much they love him. Chris's class loves him, loves me, and loves Sam. We really have been Blessed this year.
Chris was the proudest big brother out there. Christopher was a super champ. He was strong, and instead he made me proud. Of the three events I saw: tug of war, sack race, and a tennis ball throw, his team only won the tug of war. But even when they didn't win, he made me proud, because he was happy to play. And that was what it was all about, for me, anyway, that they have fun.
And he did.
The boys joined us for Avatar cartoons for Family Movie night this evening. They love the show as much as Mommy and Daddy do. It's the perfect Family Movie. Afterwards, it was time for bed. They wanted to sleep in their tent. Nobody actually slept in it. But they sure were happy and adorable curling up in there eh?
No instead after an hour of playing, Chris came down and asked if he could move because Sam wouldn't let him sleep. This is a frequent occurence on weekend nights. They both love each other so much, and have missed each other so much during the day, we often get the request for them to sleep together. But they never can Sleep. So we move one out until Sam is asleep, then they go in together, and sleep in the same bed. Once they are asleep, they'll sleep together just fine. In tonight's case, Chris came out, so we moved him. Then Sam cried out a half hour later, saying he couldn't sleep because Scout (his rather obnoxious talking toy dog, that although he's had for 2 years, he just found this week, and can't stop playing with) was annoying him. I swear, he said, Annoying him. Dude, it annoys us too.
So, Scout stayed in the tent, and Sam moved to his bed. :)
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