Every year, Santa leaves some sort of ticket in our stocking. Since the price of Butler games has gone up so much, we didn't think we'd be able to make it this year. But at the last minute, Santa and the Lord provided. So we got our tickets and watched Butler play at the newly remodeled Hinkle Fieldhouse. Now the band plays up above it's hard to get seats near it, because it's the student section. But the game after Christmas they opened up the student section and we were able to sit right by the band. There's a new jumbotron too, and I kept seeing the band show up, without any cameramen nearby, it took me half the game to figure out they had Really Strong lenses up by the arch. Just about the time the boys and I actually made it on the jumbotron screen while Devil with a Blue Dress was playing. So of course, we all were dancing. And we all waved at the jumbotron, not the camera, duh. Oh well, maybe now that I know where the cameras are, I'll try waving there next time. AND we won against Belmont. I have no idea who they were or where they are from, horse country maybe? I don't care, it was Awesome!
My boys all had a great time at the game. Even when they weren't watching the game, they were nibbling on contraband snacks, and watching the band. Yeah for break games!
After the game, Eric ran for the car, and we went down to the court.
This is my new favorite picture. It is the base of the jumbotron. So I was standing on the center court bulldog face, and looking up. Very cool.
The boys were sad that they didn't bring their basketballs to play.
I'd asked many times during the day for them to get their basketballs and we'd pack them so they could play. They couldn't be bothered with hunting for them. Pretty sure they were in their bins in their rooms. Time to clean! But anyway, since we didn't have the balls to play with, we just went down on the court for cheesy pictures, with about 5000 of our closest friends.
Since there were a bazillion people on the court, this was the best pic I could get of them standing on the center court bulldog.
We had better luck for a photo shoot on Hink the Bulldog statue.
I think he got some new paint in the remodel. He looked pretty good.
And the boys couldn't resist giving a ride!
My little bulldogs!
All three sweetboys riding the bulldog.
I do so love my Dawgs!
Good Game. Good Win. Good Times.
Thanks Santa!
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