Saturday, my Dad and Stepmom invited us over for Cookie Fest. That's where MB makes a bazillion sugar cookies, and invites us over to make a huge mess decorating, and it's wonderful because I don't have to cook, or clean up, and I could never have as many cookie topping ingredients as she does. Cookie time is her time. She's got a Gift for it. And this is the third year we've done it, and the boys have such a wonderful time. This year she picked up some elf aprons for them to wear with chef hats as they worked. So adorable.
Christopher dug right in, he was ready to go!
Sam always likes to go heavy on the icings that don't have Red 40. And I mean heavy!
Our Assembly line.
Every topping and icing color imagineable.
Last year, Chris had wanted to make a brown gingerbread man, and there wasn't brown icing.
There was brown icing this year.
Even Jacob tried giving the icing a try.
I let him play with the icing tubes, he didn't quite have enough hand strength to do it, but he had fun poking holes in his cookies.
All the boys decorating cookies!
Jacob tries red, poking holes in cookies, if he got lucky, some icing got in there.
Sam made a reindeer!
After cookie fest, we picked up some pizza and wings.
And the boys took to playing for a bit. Jacob loved the Rudolph Snowman that they had playing. He kept signing More, so his brothers would make it play more music. Over and over and over. Made me twitchy. But Jacob loved it.
We cut out before the sugar crash, and Opa escorted us to the car.
But not without stopping for one quick cheesy photo op. Manditory, you know.
After I brought the boys home from Cookie Fest, I dropped them off, and got to go to my girlfriend's baby shower! It's the best story - they had given up, adopted years ago, their son is Chris's age, and this past summer, she thought she had appendicitis. It wasn't appendicitis. I love it.
Yep, it's going to be a boy!
And he's going to be spoiled! And adorable! His big brother can't wait - we know how that is.
After the shower, I went home and grabbed some supper, then we all got to go to another Fest.
It was Kathleen's Birthday!
And she was hosting a Game Night.
She won the opportunity from House Party, equipped with kid and adult games, and everything!
So we kicked off the night, with the kids and I playing Twister. Yes, I played. But I demanded no pictures. No children were squished in the playing of that game, so I call it a success. Kristin won!
Then the grownups paired off, and some of us attempted Outburst, see above, and the rest moved to the Dining Room with some of the kids to play Sorry. Good times.
And no birthday party is complete without cake!
Kathleen and her family. Though Sarah didn't want to pose for a picture. She usually does for me, but lately, even I can't get her to. Oh well, 4/5 of her family.
And the birthday girl blows out the candles on her birthday cake!
What a wonderfully Festive day!
Sure, it was a busy day, I didn't have time to think, but I had time to have fun!
It was great to spend it with family and friends. This is what I love about Christmastime.
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