Sunday, January 5, 2014



This was what we saw when we woke up this morning.  It was 9 am and we already had about an inch of snow falling.  It only got deeper throughout the day.   

Princess was very interested in the goings on.  
At first, she was just watching the snow fall. As was I. 

Then she spotted something.  Something that made her go a little crazy. 
Though it doesn't take much. 

Oh yes, a Squirrel!  Fat and fluffy. 
So, of course, I let her out to attack. 

Well, she's not really one for 'attacking', but she'll scare them up into the trees, and then she'sll just stare at them.  Vicious little black dog in the snow. 

An hour later, the snow continued to come down, and it was clinging to the trees so beautifully, I thought I better do a snow walk for pictures while I still could.  I also wanted to fill up the birdfeeder so the birdies wouldn't starve.

I went outside and got a beautiful picture of our cozy snow covered house.  

These are the trees in the lot across the street. 

Only God is this good a decorator! 

OK, one "selfie". 

Our pine trees in the back are kind of bare, but I did catch this one pine cone. 

As I was walking I turned back to find this wee sweetboy Sam waving at me from the window.
So then it was time for naps and lunches and flushes.  You'd think after being home for every day but 3 during the entirety of Christmas break, we'd do something more fun.  But the kids have kind of a routine, play legos, watch cartoons, eat, sleep.  It's still pretty casual.  

When I woke up, the trees were even prettier than before! 
The front yard

And this was my view of the backyard.  By this time, they had somewhere from 6-8 inches of snow on them.   I was shoveling off the stoop and would get plopped on by falling snow.  People were giving warnings not to stand under the trees.  Eric said the trees were throwing snowballs at him.  But the kids were Finally wanting to go outside to play.  We'd asked them multiple times, but they wanted to do their regular playing.  Finally, we told them, it's going to be Too Cold tomorrow to go outside, if you're going to want to At All, you better go now.  And they saw on my fb that some of my friends (and their kids) were outside building snowmen, so then they wanted to too.  They told us before they went outside, they wanted to build a snowman and name him Oatmeal. 

Sam got cold fast!

That's half a dozen or so inches on the railing on the back stoop, I swear I cleared it out. 

This was after round one of shoveling, there was another inch or two on the ground when the kids went out to play, and the pile next to the driveway was already higher than Christopher's waist.  

All my Boyz build a snowman in the front yard.  To get the head on top, Eric built steps off the giant snowball in the back. 

Then the boys took squirt bottles full of green and blue colored water, and squirted the snot out of the poor thing.  Poor Oatmeal. 

Sam took his turn at shooting up Oatmeal. 

The Final Product - Oatmeal, the 8 foot snowman.  

We did have some sights of nature while we snow fell as afternoon turned into evening. 
We'd only seen a squirrel early in the day, but once the snow really started to fly we didn't see anything. 
As the sun started to go down, we saw a few juncos out to get a snack.  

Junco on the roof of the birdfeeder.

The snow is so deep, the little tree stump is almost entirely buried. 

Aww...aren't they cute and fluffy. 

The last shot of the night. 6 pm and the snow was still going, gentler, but still going.  Total count was about 11 inches, on top of the couple we had, but Oatmeal is still standing strong.  Tomorrow we're supposed to have record breaking lows and wind.  Hope we keep our power, but for tonight we're all hunkered down for a long winter's nap. 


Elizabeth said...

Super impressive snowman!!