Wednesday was my Honey Bunny Booboo Sweetie's Birthday. Happy Birthday Eric!
I was feeling like it was a bit of a letdown for him, he had to work, I couldn't kidnap him, or take him out for some fancy meal. But I called him midmorning, and said, how about you come home for lunch? He suggested, picking up some special grub for the occasion. I told him I was taking Sam to gymnastics, but someone else was bringing him home, in case he wanted to be here shortly after noon, that would be fine.
So I took Sam to gymnastics, but being as I'm trying very hard to not overdo it, it didn't go very well. In my effort to minimize my activity, I thought it would be smart of me to just bring Princess the dog with us, rather than exhaust myself before even getting Sam into the car, by running upstairs to lock up the dog, then running back downstairs. It's really hard on me to do both in the span of a couple minutes, it usually sends me swirling. So, I thought Easier to just take Prinny with us. I'm only popping in to drop Sam off, until my friends get there, and one had already offered to keep an eye on him. Only, unbeknownst to me, (my phone was also upstairs, which I didn't think of since I was just "popping" over to drop Sam off, not worth the run upstairs) she was not coming either. Anyway, we got to the gym, and I was getting Sam out of the car, when he yelled, "I HAVE TO POTTY!" So to the potty we dashed, where I stood for what seemed like hours, though it was only a couple minutes, but it was still exhausting to stand in one place that long. Coming out of the bathroom a bit later, I see my dog run by the glass doors, circling the parking lot. I had apparently left the car door open in my rush to get Sam in to pee. And one of my other friends in the parking lot was apologizing, as I ran outside to chase her down, saying Prinny was sitting in there so nicely, until I got out of the car. Alas, it probably didn't take much to push Prinny over the edge. No one can resist all that little girl and 2 boys gymnastics Cuteness. I circled the lot and couldn't find her. Then someone opens the door to the gym, and says, Someone's Dog is in here! NO..... Oh yes, and by the time I get in there to find her, Miss J has her by the collar, and she's peed on the floor. I grab the dog, and drag her outside. Someone says, she ran in the other door when I was running out to find her. Oh yes, I'm sure it was a great adventure for Prinny. I throw her in the car, and start crying, pull it together to go back inside, and when I did, I was greet by Miss J and a bottle of cleaner and paper towels. Yeah. She didn't know I was on bedrest, in fact, no one inside did. And I was too big a hot mess to tell them. So I got on the floor, cleaned up the mess. And by that time, one of my friends had arrived, and I was near tears. She knew and she wanted to take care of me, but all I could say was I have to go lay down NOW. Please bring Sam home. And I cried all the way home. I was so embarrased, tired, sore, and terrified. Just praying nothing happened to the baby. It didn't even occur to me that it had been a Keystone Cops like Comedy of Errors until I was telling the story to my friend A, who was supposed to meet me, but I hadn't got the memo, she bust out laughing. At that moment, I thought Yes, it is Funny. Chasing the stupid dog around the parking lot, and her peeing in the gymnasium, if it hadn't been me, right then, it would have been really funny. Now I look back on it, it is, but I was so scared for the baby, so worried about more possible bleeding, I couldn't see it as funny, and I just Cried all the home, and for a good bit after.
New Drinking Game Rule: Drink a glass of water, if you start crying hysterically.
But shortly after I got home, and stopped crying, Eric came home. He hadn't been able to decide between Godfather's Pizza (a place his fam used to frequent, and he loved their crust, and recently found it's a chain, and they opened one near his work) or The Tamale Place (the most authentic best tamales in town). So he stopped at Both. Talk about a Nice birthday lunch!
Then instead of my friend bringing Sam home from gymnastics, Eric decided to go grab him since we'd eaten our fill of super awesome lunch. While he was gone, a special Elf dropped off his birthday present. (Impeccable timing!) So that by the time he brought Sam home, there was his Surprise!
He was really surprised by this Memory Foam mattress that we'd picked out for him. He's been sleeping in the spare bed, the mattress that I used to sleep on when I was little, some 30 years old, at least. There's just been no room for me, all my pillows, Sam when he pops in the middle of the night (which he's been doing all but 2 nights in the last 2 months) and Eric too. It saddens me. So my elf and I picked out a swanky new mattress, and got a good deal, and surprised him with it.
It was a Good day for my boyz. And I never did start bleeding, (Praise the Lord!) or have anything go wrong from the gymnastics adventure, then again, I spent the rest of the day on the couch.
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