Happy Thanksgiving from the Willmans!
This year was extra special, because just in time for the holiday all of were healthy enough to travel to Marion, and cootie free enough to be around Kaylee. Praise the Lord, Kaylee's leukemia is in remission, and her ANC is above 3000, she's able to fight off some infections, not that we are planning on tempting her cootie fighting powers with bringing cooties of our own.
The boys were so happy to play with Amber, Alexis, and Kaylee. It did my heart such good. They were loud and crazy, wild and rambunctious. It was Wonderful. I sneaked a peek around the corner before lunch to snap pics and video of them being silly.
While the kids were being distracted by each other, I was distracted by the newest member of the Willman Clan, Tula Mae Willman, born Saturday the 17th of November.
Isn't she adorable?! I'm a little proud, because she got to wear the Turkey hand Onesie that I made for her at her baby shower. I took a bet that she'd be born before Thanksgiving, a. because Anna and Sean were both big babies, and b. she was due the Saturday after Thanksgiving. So glad it paid off!
It was fun to watch everybody hold her. Dollie Beth took first dibs, but as the family matriarch, she won, but others of us waited patiently....or not so patiently.
Aunt Katie holding her niece. I told her, Nieces are the Best. Trust me!
The boys didn't seem to care much about the baby, they were busy rough housing. Or so it seemed.
Kaylee and I had a lot of fun watching all the different birds come to the birdfeeder. We even had a couple different kinds of woodpeckers we saw. I need to put up our See Rock City birdfeeder!
I love the look of her just gazing out the window.
Anna and sweet Tula Mae. You know, when she's screaming even in a picture she's still adorable.
Happy Family of 3!
Kaylee was the first youngster to hold Tula, and Tula was so sweet for Kaylee.
She's such a sweet baby!
All the kids got big kicks out of each other.
Chris and Kaylee hold Tula Mae.
But when it came time for Chris's turn to hold her, she flipped out a little bit. Of course, Chris was a super champ, he could have handed her right off, he didn't though, he's going to be such a great big brother (AGAIN!) when little baby brother is born. He's so patient, he kept trying to talk and shush the baby down.
Even Alexis gave holding the baby a try. Alexis is a Baby Whisperer, and though Tula hushed for a moment, it didn't last, she was too far gone.
Sometimes a baby just needs her mama.
Yeah, Tula just needed her beatings from her mama.
But once she calmed down a bit, I got my turn. These were taken by Katie (or Aunt Betty, not sure which, they were both behind me).
Awww...little turtle neck. She smelled so nice.
I gotta get me one of these... how about next May?!
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