Thursday before we left on our trip, Miss Ashley came over. Ashley has been a friend of the family since Chris was younger than Sam. She was his gymnastics teacher, helper at MOPS, now she is the Nursery Attendant at church. She has a wonderful love of children, babysits for everyone, her schedule is so hard for us to squeeze her into, but my boys love her.
She house/Prinny sat for us while we were gone, so as an added bonus, before we left, she came over to the house to get the scoop from me. But it was the boys that were finding more Joy in her visit. I broke out the camera because she and Sam were playing around. They turned out pretty sweet.
She was trying to get him to finish his dinner waffle. Hey when Mom's on her own for making dinner, we're leaving town, so there's no groceries, and I am sick, it's Easy. And waffles make them happy.
Silly geese.
I just love this one. So sweet.
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