Now, isn't that a rough view to wake up to in the morning?!
Yeah, I know, we had it rough in Florida.
We had to walk all the way past the whole pool to go to breakfast. (Imagine my hand on my head) And the coffee was so far away... Yeah whatever. It was really nice. I actually loved walking by the main pool when there was no one in it, the water was so smooth, and it was quiet and peaceful.
We signed the boys up for Kidz Club during our visit. It was kind of like a day camp for them. At first I wasn't sure we'd really go forward with sending them for the whole day, after all, it was supposed to be a Family vacation. But a friend had been with her son, and she said if she had realized how much fun he'd have, she would have sent him the whole time available. So we did. And the minute we walked in, Sam was enthralled. The sam-size, little kids group were "playing tennis" when we arrived. Sam immediately ran and picked up a squishy ball, and a tiny raquet, and started playing by himself. Of course, he played it like his brother plays putt-putt, which is also remarkably like hockey, but he was having fun from the moment he hit the court, he barely could be bothered to say Goodbye to us.
Christopher's group was at the circus training when we arrived. Chris took one look at that trapeze and said No Way. And that was just fine, they didn't make him do it. Can you see him in the navy shirt watching intentively. He didn't give us much of a goodbye either; he was very happy to just watch and not participate in that particular activity.
Well, after Daddy and I dropped off the boys, we just didn't know what to do with ourselves.
So we went over to the little restaurant that's open between meals for smoothies. Brunch smoothies. I also discovered they have fountain ginger ale. WOOHOO!
Well, as you can imagine, after a couple of smoothies and sitting in the shade with the 'rents, we decided to act like grownups and go off to check out the Adult Pool.
This was my view of the Adult Pool. Adults only, 18 and older, and there was a sign that said Calm Pool. So if you were a young and crazy college student, you could not be wild and crazy in this pool. :) The minute we walked in, there were staffmembers wearing leis handing out pieces of fresh fruit. I grabbed a slice of fresh juicy pineapple (the second best I ever had, first was in Hawaii, of course) and found a seat under a shady tree. Actually, Eric and I found a papasan sort of thing for two. It was lovely. We dipped in cooled off, and then commenced to warm back up. They even had a drink station with water, lemonade, and tea for the taking in case we got thirsty working hard laying in the sun.
Yes, I know, it was a terribly rough view.
Love my pool attire, got my cover up, my sweet retro awesome green suit, and vacation hat.
WE took a walk around the complex before going to lunch. Then I took a nap, while Eric tested the parasailing. It was too windy for sailing, so he went out paddleboarding. Yes, my husband took a surfboard and an oar and paddled out on the river. Wish I had pictures of that!
Anyway, after naps, it was Family Time, aka time to get the kids, but I woke up from naps needing to eat. So Mommy went to the snack shack while Daddy went to Kite Making time. You can kind of see him at the base of the palm tree on the right in a torquoise hawaiian shirt. Sam is leaning up against him.
I had some company to join me with my french fries and smoothie snack. I really found those steak fries hit the spot. Alexis helped me with my french fry problems. We also discovered a mutual affection for virgin pina coladas. After snacks, but before dinner, she came back to our place to just Chill for a while. And drink pina coladas....all that was missing was the umbrella. ;)
Sam didn't want to rest, he wanted to play, and to play in, with, and on Alexis.
We did manage to distract him with a new game...
Chase the Bunny.
And at dinner, Lexi and Chris made mustaches out of the crab crackers. Yes, crab legs were an option for dinner, one I did not partake. I had french fries and ice cream.
And cake. This little Congratulations Cake to officially celebrate all the recent good news of the family. So Blessed are we all, that no cake was big enough to write it all. Mom and Dad celebrating their 40th Anniversary. Amy and Ryan, and Eric and I both expecting babies #3, and Karl just finished his last exam, and is now an official Enrolled Actuary, he can put the letters EA after his name now. (I had to ask, because I didn't understand it, but apparently it's a big deal!)
As a result of only pretty much eating french fries, cake and ice cream, I didn't feel horrid. Just the regular Quease. So I thought it might be a good idea for us all to go for an Evening Swim after supper, before the Dance Party started. I was not up for dancing. Eric went after the boys and I were in bed. But first we went swimming! And it was great. It felt good, the water was warm, we were the only ones in the whole pool area. Technically it was probably illegal, but the littles were within arms reach the whole time, and security never busted us. Sam alternated between hanging on me like a monkey and hanging on Alexis. Rather refreshing to get a break, it was a very nice swim.
The fam stopped by to just sit in chairs with us on their way to evening festivities. They all had leaded drinks, because of course that flows too. At one point, while Eric and I were in the water, Chris hopped out saying he had to pee. My brother in law had to too, so he volunteered to go with him. I shouldn't write this, but it's too hysterical not to. After they returned, he asks me if I had "taught Christopher to Shake It". Shake it? Shake what? Oh! In the bathroom...NO! No I didn't. Why?
He says, as Chris is finishing up, he starts singing, "North! South! East! West!" What?! He wanted to know if it was a shaking song I had taught him. What?! No! No it wasn't. Once I got it, I could not stop laughing. We asked Eric, who proceeded to deny the charges and also laugh hysterically. To my knowledge for the record, there is no shaking song that either of us have ever taught Christopher. He was just singing something random he learned in school probably. We just usually sing in the shower...
I laughed so hard. So hard, I cried. I coughed. So hard I nearly threw up. It was the best laugh I had in a long time, it was terrible, it felt so awful and good at the same time. That was probably one of my best moments at Club Med, all of us laughing hysterically while were alone at the pool. And the littles laughing too, having no idea why we're laughing. It was a Beautiful noise.
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