1. Happy Halloween! Yeah, I went with an orange theme. Though I felt a little odd today in church surrounded by a sea of red, I guess I missed the memo that Reformation Sunday's color is red.
2. My punkin with my punkin. Sam took a Good Nap (Chris didn't) so to reward Sam, we got dressed up before we left and sat him by the pumpkins. He was so adorable, and loved stomping through our front yard leaves.
3. Dueling Sleepers. The Julius's invited us over for Trick-or-Treating and Dinner. You think Halloween is tough on the kids? Check out these poor Daddies! They were falling asleep just waiting for everyone to finish supper, so we could get Started Trick-or-Treating.
4. Waiting on Jesse. My Buzz and Woody Couldn't Wait until Emily was fully transformed into Jesse. They stood waiting not so patiently outside her door.
5. The Toy Story Crew: Jesse, Buzz, and Woody. Though Jesse's cows were being put in the car, Cowgirl Jesse and Woody could have easily handled the cows.
6. Dancing Time. Now, if you've seen Toy Story 3, you know that Buzz and Jesse do some dancing. Daddy had made an emergency battery run (for Buzz's wings) while we loaded up the kids. But we ended up waiting a little bit, turned out to be Just enough time for some dancing. To no music.
Video of the Dance:
7. No Patience. These yahoos just can't wait to get serious about Trick-or-Treating.
8. The Full Crew. Our clan joined the Julius Clan and met up with their friends the Cudworths for Trick-or-Treating in their neighborhood. Their Mary fit in our Disney theme as Belle, even though we were all Toy Story bedecked. The Julius twins made the cutest cows, just perfect for cowboys and cowgirls to try and wrangle.
9. Jesse and Buzz: A Love Story Chris had been waiting for Days to see Emily as Jesse. He was Enchanted. And pretty enchanting as well. We got compliments on how adorable they all were at so many houses I lost count.
At one point, however, a pair of people, one of whom was Don King, wanted to take a picture of our Jesse and Buzz, because they were so cute. Yeah, they were. At the end of the evening, Chris didn't want to leave her side. He was Screaming, "JESSSSSEEEEEE!!!" He sounded like Marlon Brando calling for STELLA! I'm not kidding. He was so upset.
10. Trick-or-Treating The kids charged up every house. Sam followed, and sometimes he kept up with the big kids, and sometimes he didn't. He didn't say Trick-or-Treat. But he would reach one mittened hand in the buckets, and say 'thank you' (feen tu) I did hear him say Treat (dee) once as we left a house and were back on the sidewalk.
11. Sam and the Jack-o-lanterns It became clear Sam was unfamiliar with the light coming from the pumpkins. We bought pumpkins this year, but didn't have time (or motivation) to carve them. At first he just looked at them, but by halfway through, when and if he was lucky enough to be walking on his own, Sam would just STARE at those pumpkins. One home's driveway was decorated with fancy carved pumpkins. Sam was enthralled. He wouldn't even continue the few steps forward to accept candy from the homeowners, he was so hypnotized by the flickering lights.
12. The Light Kathleen's Aunt JoAnn lives around the corner from her, across the street from friends, who joined our Disney trick-or-treating horde. We circled around and ended up at her aunt's house. Sam loved how super festive her home was decorated. But he couldn't keep away from the front door which glowed with orange lights, and had all kinds of yard decorations and lights out on the lawn. Sam was drawn to it, and he wouldn't step away, not for chocolate or friends. We decided it was just about time to go home then.
Chris, on the other hand, must not have been paying to much attention, distraught as he was leaving Emily, his Jesse, behind because he wiped out as we left Aunt JoAnn's house. He had just taken off before us, much like he'd been doing all evening, and by the time I got there, he was flat on his face. I picked him up, and he shook a little bit, and as I'm asking him if he's ok, he giggles and tells me, "I Fell with Style." And then he was off again, "To Affinity And a Beyon!!"
13. Out Cold Chris conked out on the ride home. Sam didn't. He was jibber jabbering all the way home. Normally I try to take a picture of the kids with their Haul. Well, they didn't quite fill their buckets tonight, but they did yesterday, and combined all that candy loot and leftover chocolate will be quite the undertaking to eat. I'm up for the challenge. But since Chris fell asleep on the way home, so much he didn't budge when I unbuckled him, I just took the final shot in the car, not even bother to move them. They were so Done. But they sure did have a good time!
I think Sam said it best, as we drove home, "Yee-hah, Yee-hah, Yee-hah, Bye."
Looks like a GREAT Halloween, Cathy! I saw several Buzz Lightyears last night, but none compare to your crew!
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