It's Huge. It's Amazing. It's our Living Room. We took most everything out today, to get the carpets professionally cleaned.

The first three years we were in this house, what with our moving in and out, we ended up getting the carpets done every year. Then we didn't. We borrowed Amy's steamer a couple times, but it hasn't been professionally done since 2001. Oy.
But it looks So Nice now!
We had such a productive weekend of boxing up stuff, and moving the furniture. We're ready to get on the Market. And that makes me both happy and sad at the same time.
I hope that someone falls in love with this house. It's such a great starter home. It's been such a good home to us, kept us safe from storms, warm in the winter, cool in the summer, brought my kids home here, all that good stuff. When I start thinking about not coming Home here, I get a bit teary. I'm going to miss it. This has been our definition of HOME for the last 12 years. I just pray that someone will see our humble abode and fall just as in love with it as we did when we built it.
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