So, I'm a little excited. I made a donation today to the Indiana Mothers Milk Bank. I found out about their existance at the State Fair this year, because 3 times in 5 hours I stopped in one of the Nursing Tents to feed Sam. There were changing tables, and rockers, and fans, and they were giving away free bottles of cold water. On those ass hot days, it was a bit of heaven. So I started looking into it.
I had to fill out a billion forms, give a couple vials of blood, to prove I didn't have cooties. And today, I felt extremely empowered when I dropped off about 40 ounces or so of pumped breast milk. It may seem odd to want to shout out about my boobs' progress on the internet, but but God has really Blessed me. I mean REALLY!
So, I'm using the gifts God gave me and helping out.
This time, putting the 'Girls' to work. I cleared out some of my stash, and I'm going to get pumping to build it up again and send some back over to the milk bank. Goodness knows Sam doesn't want to drink a bottle, but there are kids out there that will, so I'm passing it on. I'm helping Moms whose babies are in the NICU, or who for I don't even know what reasons they can't nurse their kids, but they know that breast is best, and they want to do what they can for them, and those babies need that extra boost that my boobs can give. So I'm pumping.
My children and I are healthy. Perhaps not healthy in a perfect sense, but we do just fine. I hear on the news about this baby thrown in dumpster and my heart ends up in my throat, I hear about a child with incurable leukemia because he couldn't get a Bone Marrow transplant, and I realize just how wonderful and miraculous it is that on a Tuesday night I'm not sitting in some hospital but that my kids are safe and sound and sleeping in their beds.
And that is pretty darn exciting to me.
Go hug your babies.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
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I would have thought this was funny if I'd read it a couple of years I know how seriously important this is! So many premeie moms can't keep up with pumping or can't pump enough because of the stress, and the milk bank is a great, great thing for their preemies so they don't get NEC!
So nice of you! I may be donating myself (currently we use our stash and I freeze the freshly pumped so we'll see how much I have left. I think we have 18,000 ounces right now! ha!)
Love, love, love the title of this post! And great job donating!!
Yay for you! I wish I could donate but I take asthma medication (not something you can skip out on) and they don't want anyone who takes medication. :/ Glad to know others who help donate to this great cause!
Adoptive mothers could use it, too. To breastfeed as an adoptive mother you have to go through quite the medical routine - LOTS of drugs that aren't very well researched yet. So I think the bank is a FABULOUS idea and I think you are quite the woman for donating to it!!!
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