The perfect place came to mind. It's a park in Speedway, next to an elementary school, and it's been there for ages. Giant Shady Trees! It has some Classic Old School playground equipment: large slides, a log cabin, an Eagle's nest (or at least that's what we used to call it back in My Day) which was this half dome thing made of bars and triangles.

And the most awesome a big metal pumpkin coach. Painted like a pumpkin and everything. Rumor has it they are tearing down all the 'old equipment' and putting up new sometime this winter, so that by next spring, it will be all new fangled. They're probably going to tear down trees too. Though Melissa assures me that they mean to keep the Integrity of the shady park. I don't know if I believe it. And I really wanted Chris to experience an Old School Park like the kind that Mommy used to play on back in the day. And so he and his friends Did!

This park is within walking distance of Chris's school, and my friend Melissa and I went walking there a few times while the weather was nice while the kids were in school. We haven't lately, but I have been itching to get Chris there. I thought he'd really enjoy it.
And I had this vision of getting a picture of the boys on the big pumpkin coach surrounded by shady trees on a sunny fall day.
Yeah, something like that.
He was more content climbing on the bottom of the coach, while his friends climbed the seats around him. But he was happy there.

Mommy, on the other hand, really wanted her picture of Her Boys, sitting on the bench of the pumpkin coach. Chris was afraid of getting up on the bench. I couldn't lift him all the way up, just on the footrest of the bench. Chris FREAKED OUT!

Sam wasn't exactly content either, but at least I had a hold of him. For a while anyway. As I snapped my last shot, he went Wobbling....

I told him, Mommy wants you to say Cheese. Though his tears, he did.
But at least he was happy on the slide.

A friend referred to my disease as the Momarazzi. That's me. Taking pictures ALL THE TIME! Someday I hope he'll forgive me.
I can relate to the cool playground (I used to love those domes) and the excessive picture taking :-)
too funny
Momarazzi! Perfect. Alicia is always on me for taking too many pictures!
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