Friday in Wisconsin was a day of Transition for us. And you know, now that I think about it, we don't do too well with transitions. I hated the thought of packing up from our lovely oasis with Nancy, and leaving. On the other hand, going to the hotel, and to Bohl's lake house was destined to be Awesome, and kind of the whole reason we were invited to Wisconsin to begin with, so I was happy to go. Just the thought was Exhausting.
So we procrastinated a bit, starting our morning with a fabulous breakfast, Nancy calls it the Camelot Breakfast. Fit for a king all righty! Once again, the coffee was flowing freely, and I was greeted with eggs, various meats, fresh fruit, and fresh blueberry pancakes. Oh so yummy.
So in a fabulous state of denial, the boys hit the lake as soon as we were done with Breakfast.
I love these of Sam. Sam was having a great time just playing along the lake line, wandering in the sand, looking for floating toys, and just exploring. Actually, his favorite part may have been peeing on trees. The big boys were doing that, the lake out in the woods, it's kind of like camping, so running out of the lake to real quick pee on a tree seemed logical. To Sam, it just seemed like Fun.
Here's my handsome eldest miracle baby. Probably my favorite of him from the whole trip.
Paired with the one below, it's probably one of the best moments for me of the trip too. In this picture, Chris is Swimming to me. Not touching the bottom, not wearing some flotation device, just plain Swimming. True it was a bit of a dog paddle, but he was going, under his own steam, from Daddy to me. That is Huge. Getting him to just Let Go, to trust us, to use his own strength and to be comfortable in the water, has been a battle for us for 4 years, since we first started swim classes. He's hated to be out of our arms. He hated to get his face wet. Now we can't keep him out of the water. He has Sensory Processing Disorder and he's on the Spectrum, so as much as he wants to be in the water, he was terrified of it. If I had known that a 6 year old named Max would have been a much cheaper physical therapist, I'd have gotten these two together a long time ago. Max was like part fish the way he swam and darted all over the place. He is a great swimmer, and to keep up with his friend, Chris had to lose the fears. It was an amazing transformation in 3 days.
I am so Proud of him. And so grateful to Max, Nancy, and Mor Mor for helping us out more than they probably will ever know.
So we did laundry, and packed up, and headed out. Bittersweet. Great to head on to the next phase, but this was such a relaxing stay, we fell madly in love with the place. But we went from Camelot Lake to Buffalo Lake, arriving with time enough to spare for a bitty power nap before heading to the Rehearsal.
Our friend Sarah giving instructions to the bridal party, who was going to be arriving on the dock by boats, and then coming up the dock and stairs to where the wedding was going to be, on top of the boathouse.
The kids did great during the rehearsal, playing happily with the ipad. Almost taking turns even.
But we took the party indoors after a bit, and Mike taught Chris to play blokus. Sam tried to play along too, but it was not meant to be. There was some sort of hysterical PG-13 commentary going on about not letting other peoples stuff touching, that sent the 12 year old minded adults into hysterical laughter. But maybe we were just tired. But it was a good laugh, and it a good note to end the evening on.
The kids and I headed out and went back to get ready for an evening swim at the hotel. Only by the time we got down there, it was 9 p.m. the place was crawling with older kids. It was hideous: busy, noisy, super hot, the water was so warm, my bathtub was cooler. So we didn't stay long, just long enough for the kids to jump in a couple times. I was Blessed that Chris didn't flip out because so often when I pull him out of that kind of loud insanity, he flips out. I was anticipating it, and he didn't. He didn't like it either. Maybe it's not so much that he loses it in those places that makes me stress out, but that I hate that sort of head pounding noise that makes me stress out and lose it too. I came out of there thinking, oh my, now I know where Chris gets his massive amounts of intolerance for constant hammering noise. But he did wonderfully. All in all, I was very proud of my boys on this day.
A little bedtime video to make you smile:
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