On Tuesday the 3rd, before we skipped out on vacation, my sister came over to play. Now, if I think I was frazzled just preparing for multiple birthday parties and a small vacation, I've got nothing on my sister. She's a Superchamp of single parenthood as her husband is fighting in Afghanistan (Though he's supposed to get out this week!) with my nieces ages 2 and almost 4.
We often call each other commiserating about how our children are so alike in their Crazy that they should Patent it. On any given sleep deprived day, we could send the kids abroad and the enemy would surrender just so we would go get them. After telling my sister of my finally caving and sending the boys to Kidz Depot, and going for sushi, she began to drool. She had been on the quest for the perfect Seaweed salad for quite some time. Research of course, she needs to sample a good one in order to figure out how to make it at home. So, for science's sake, she came over, and we made plans to run away.
And we got rid of the kids for a couple hours. I went shopping at Wal-mart for final travel preparations, I hate Wal-mart. We did find this display humorous while we were there.
And no, we weren't drinking. Just tickled us I suppose. THEN we went for Sushi, and it was Good.
After sushi, we brought the yahoos home for a quick dip before naps. It was just what the yahoos needed. It wasn't too shabby for us either. ;)
Of course, being in the water with the girls, I couldn't take as many adorable pictures as I usually would. I just had the girls and Sam swimming (or walking in the water) adorably around me. Since it was 103 degrees outside, we didn't stay out long, just long enough to relax and refresh everyone before naps.
During naps, I went and snagged Christopher and was able to capture the herd of cats on the stairs before their visit ended.
They don't hold still very often, but when they do, they sure are Adorable !
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