Christopher is Very Persuasive. My sister says he's destined to be a lawyer with as argumentative as he is. I've said for years he should study the bible, because he always seemed to be debating with Pastor during sermons. Either way, he can make many a valid point. I didn't think at 4 1/2 he'd have me whipped in some arguements. Good thing today, I just started a Bible Study with my Mom 2 Mom group called "Making Children Mind without Losing Yours" by Dr. Kevin Leman. He says, you don't have to be a Great Parent, just a Good Parent to have a Great Child. Interesting theory, we discussed how flawed we so often feel as parents, my weakness seems to be Consistency. Still working on strengths. Already I feel calmer. We discussed Ephesians 6:1-4, "1Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2"Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3"that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."[a] 4Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." Now I can't wait to discuss this with Chris.
Tonight he talked me into letting him help me get apples ready for Saucing. And in my new calm loving state, where I wanted to be a Good Parent, I caved. He wanted to Cut, but Ummm...No. So I put him on Washing duty. He LOVED it!
Tell you what, even though I wasn't exactly enthusiastic about him "helping" me, he had so much fun, and was so anxious to wash apples and help me push the corer down, that even I (old curmudgeon that I am) couldn't help but have fun with his assistance.
I love that action shot! Michael wanted to help me with apples too...I let him put the cut up apple pieces in the pot for me. Necessary? No. But he was so giddy to be a part of it. Some day they are going to have no interest in anything we're doing!
I saw the title of your post and my first thought was of drugs and that Rolling Stones song - just to demonstrate what very different parents we are... :) Love the pic, and Elizabeth is right, we gotta capitalize now while they still WANT to help and play only with us. :(
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