Top Ten Pictures from our Camping Trip to Lake Patoka this Saturday.
1. Mesmorized - Our Tent leaked. I woke up at 5 to water, lightning and thunder, and while everyone else slept nicely, I terrified, pulled all the kids into the car, where only Sam went back to sleep. By daylight, and I use that term loosely, all our bedding was soaking wet. Nana had a brilliant idea of going to the laundromat. Who'd have thought they'd have one right next to the park entry? Ha! Very Good Thing. So we packed up our bedding and towels, and took them to the "washeria".
Sam was Enchanted.

2. Nana Cuddles - Turns out the Laundromat is quite a fun place. Tables to sit, room to run wild without mud, even a video game for the boys to pretend to play. And next door...a Mom and Pop Mexican restaurant, whose call we Had to answer...don't worry we brought some for those left behind at camp, really roughing it.

3. The Clouds Part: After lunch and naps, we woke to find the rain had lifted, the clouds had parted, and we had Sunshine! We had packed Chris's bike to explore a bit, so we grabbed it and threw Sam in the stroller and went for a nice walk. Beautiful.

Wish we could've gone farther, but Chris's legs just aren't strong enough for Hills yet.
4. More Walking - Aunt Lisa, Cousin Annie, and Uncle James also take advantage of the weather to go for a walk. Annie's favorite place to go was the bathroom, but I think they went further on their walk.

5. Her Royal Highness - My Mom brought this insanely luxurious folding even had an ottoman. Hard to say who laughed harder, her or all of us. But as soon as she sat in it, Chris decided she was the Queen of the Campground, and Mom just played along, adopting her best QE2 voice to go along. It was hysterical. Chris got 'knighted' for bring her a royal jewel (a rock) and a scepter (a big stick).

6. His Royal Highness - Prince Christopher takes a spin in the folding Throne...with his royal scepter.

7. The Royal Jewels - No, Sam loved it when we decided that rocks were 'royal jewels' and he kept picking them up, and every so often take he'd take a nibble. Doesn't he look like he's watching me to see if I'll notice if he tries to eat another one?

8. Camera Fun - Nana just couldn't say No, when Chris asked to use her camera. Turns out he's developing Quite a Gift for photography, not just snapping bottoms anymore. And he really has a great time taking pictures...wonder where he gets it. :)

9. Cleanup on aisle 3 - Sam sneaks the rake and makes to rake up the leaves; he doesn't care if they are wet or not, it's a pretty nifty toy.

10. Moshmallo Time - Chris doesn't care if they are roasted or not, he just wants a marshmallow. Doesn't even wait for the Fire.

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