Well, today was a big day for getting out. First we started off the morning headed to a friend's house for the MOPS Breakfast Club. Chris had a great time playing Dress Up...yeah that's Chris the scary skeleton guy who kept chasing poor Shaylee around terrifying her.

And Sam just Rocked On!

After a highly nutritious lunch of doughnuts and naps, we played out front for a while as the weather was GORGEOUS! The boys are actually beginning to play Together! Dogs and Cats!
Chris fancied himself Syndrome from the Incredibles, with a cape and special boots (on loan from a friend)...and super strong to move a car!

But then he decided playing Traffic Jam was even better!

This evening we popped by our lot to see the new slabs poured on the garage and basement floor today. So Pretty. If you think concrete can't be pretty, you gotta see these floors...they are Pretty Concrete!

My boys are pretty cute too. It was the first time all 4 of us didn't have anything cooking and wecould just chill out, all week. We visited the lot, then brought McD's home for dinner and a movie on the couch, which was really nice. I love to get out, but sometimes I love hanging out at home just as much.
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