Now THAT'S More Like It! At last, the weather was nice enough and warm enough to go to the Beach!
1. Hand-ker-holds - Chris took Annie's hand and led her down to the beach. When they reached the water, he made sure she was safe, and told her "Annie, Don't Go where it's Deep!"

2. Water Time - The 'big kids' head for the water! Though Sam was distracted by sand, nothing was stopping Annie.

3. Tootsies - The kids go in, up to their ankles...all by themselves.

4. Boy in Lake - Chris, fearless, ventures out and checks out the entire lake. He loves it.

5. The Whole Crew - While the kids and I commence to getting wet, the rest of our crew stakes out a great area up the beach. Uncle Ron brought a bunch of inner tubes, they got Charlie all set up in the shade of a giant umbrella...and there may have been beer.

6. Resting Up - Chris takes a break from swimming to just rest with Nana on her inner tube. He wasn't really sleeping, but just being sweet.

7. Kicking it Up - Chris kicks off hanging with Nana on the Inner Tube!

8. Water Baby - Chris is having a wonderful time.

9. Wet and Wild - Chris ganks, ok borrows, his cousin Annie's floatation device. And once he was floating, man, he was Off! (Mostly just chasing Annie and Uncle James around the lake.)

10. Sandy Bottoms - Sam wasn't too big a fan of the lake, he only hung out there a moment or two. So I parked him with Aunt Lisa and Charlie in the shade...only he didn't want shade, he wanted to play in the sand. He liked the Sand.

And when we left, it became clear he needed an immediate shower, he stood up and sand just POURED out the bottom of his swimsuit, and in his hair, and Everywhere. But it was a Good Time. Wish it wasn't naptime when we went, the boys were quick to meltdown, so we headed back for a nap, while other sleep deprived family members played on. Chris has kept asking to go for a "Nice Swim" ever since.
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