Today we joined friends on a trip to Fair Oaks Farms. Since it's been raining for the last three days, and the boys hadn't slept decently in days, but they both did last night...we took Full Advantage of this gorgeous spring day.

Chris had asked a couple weeks ago to "Go see cows with Bryn". It took some work to figure out what he meant, he told me he wanted to milk cows and play slide. Finally I figured out that he wanted to go up to the Farm...the farm where really he could care less about the cows, he wants to play on the playground. Once we got there, he didn't want to see the cows, he just wanted to milk them. This was about as close to cows as Chris got. He "milked" the fake cows.

We weren't up for the bus tour, (read Mommy wasn't about to manhandle both boys without Daddy) so we continued playing at the indoor playground while our friends did the tour. Chris played with Sam in the play area, and at one point he rode the cow milking station around by holding on to the bar like a monkey. He really is a monkey, climbing Everywhere!

Hey Boys, Say CHEESE!!!

Sam was most content in the 'cereal bowl', it's a ball pit, only for some strange reason there were only 2 balls in the ball pit. Sam didn't know any better, nor did he care. He had a great time playing catch with Mommy and Brother. He'd look at a ball, say Ooooo!!! Or he'd throw it overboard and say "Uh Oh!"

Sometimes big brother would even hop in for a little fun. Didn't stop Chris that there were no balls in the ball pit either.

Then we moved outside to play for a while. It was a windy but perfect temperature. I barely managed to get Chris to hold still long enough for a cheesy (pardon all puns) picture of the brothers on the slide.

At one point, Chris was actually able to jump on the Jumping Pillow, a giant outdoor inflatable pillow for kids to just jump on. Chris LOVED it.

However, it was Field Trip day, and we seemed swamped with teenagers playing on equipment really, they were too old for. Really? Really. But that wouldn't stop our kids, we Mommies were the meanies that stopped them from playing with the big kids. And the kids were really crushed when the teens took over the jumping pillow.

So we decided to drown our sorrows in ice cream. Here, the kids watch as they bottle milk.

Then we took the whole crew outside for ice cream. Everyone ate...and it was Good!

Even Chris enjoyed his "brown ice treams" or chocolate ice cream.

He shared with Sam, who spent the day a happy little dairy-aholic: yogurt, milk, chocolate milk, grilled cheese, and ice cream. Just like Mommy!

Ever tried to get 7 kids, 4 and under, to smile at the same time while outside on a sunny day after they've been pumped full of chocolate ice cream? Yeah, not so much. But here they all are, being sweet. Sweet, all over the place.

One of the interesting things on our drive was a crop new to northern Indiana, but one that I was pleased to see. Windmills! Yes, Windmills. Chris enjoyed watching them, but so did I.

There's something Calming about watching a Ginormous windmill slowly rotate as I drive. Chris wasn't inclined to count them, but it certainly stopped him from asking me every 2 minutes if we were at the farm yet.

Which do you suppose is less Midwestern: going to the Dairy Farm and not seeing a real cow, or the Windmill Farms?
I must state here, for the record, that although I look like a huge glutton in the picture of us all eating ice cream, you know we shared that monster!
And great pictures! Send them my way when you get the chance. :)
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