The high point of my day today? A phone call from my sister moments after we woke from naps saying she was pretty sure her Labor was starting!
I don't think I've stopped smiling since.
First bonus, we got to meet her at the Midwifery! I got to see her in all her pregnant glory. She looked great. She's so much better at this than I am/was.

Look at that Beautiful Belly! She may kill me for posting this later, but she has no choice tonight! I think I was driving her a bit crazy with my enthusiasm.

You know I'm a traditional hospital sort of gal, wanted to have my baby in the NICU if they'd let me, not Lisa. She's going as Natural as they'll let her, she did with Annie who was Breach, at the Midwifery. So, we got there to grab Annie, and we decided to take her outside to play on the playground. That's where my boys were. Yeah, the midwifery has a playground. Very Cool. The kids all played, the Dad's monitored the kids, and Lisa and her BFF/Doula Jenny walked around, Lisa wanted to Walk during her labor.

Fun was really had by all! Lisa even got on the swing, and swung with the kids, until her daughter freaked out at seeing Mommy on a swing. Amazing gal, my sis, I'm so proud of her. And now we get to borrow Annie for a couple days, and Chris is SO EXCITED!

Did I mention I haven't stopped smiling all evening? I'm getting another neice. And I'm So Happy!
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