Round 1 has hit for what is termed as being a possible Catastrophic snowstorm. I've been jokingly calling it Snowpocalypse after a friend mentioned it. They say we may lose power and if we do, it'll be a while before we get it back. I don't know if it will be the be-all-end-all disaster they are planning. Blessedly, Eric stayed home today, schools and social activities are cancelled so my loved ones are safely ensconced at home. We did go out for a little front yard skating and a yard walk. We're expecting more Gluk this afternoon/evening.
Thought all 3 of you who read might enjoy some video of the boys being adorable on the 1/2 inch of ice. In the mean time, Enjoy!
Chris has a war with ice chunks.
Sam with boots.
And theoretically, you can see some posted photos here.
Mother of Rome by Lauren Bear
4 days ago
I'm one of your three. For the record.
Stay warm and safe! It's even cold here in Texas though nothing like what you are experiencing.
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