Christopher has been reading up a storm over fall break, well, being grounded will do that. So since Wednesday, we actually had to leave the house for Chris's therapy with Miss Lisa, and I needed to return some library books before Friday, so I opted to take the kids to the B'burg library. They'd had a great time at the Central Library on our field trip, but unfortunately, we weren't able to check out any books from that library. So I decided I would take them to our library, to return a couple things, and to let them check something out. I've been spending the year picking out one or two books when I'm at the library with Jake, just things I think they'll like, but it had been Months since I let them each go pick their own books.
I had reserved a book at my sister's suggestion, the Last King of Angkor Wat, but when I went in, I got confused and asked for the Tiger King of Omar Khayyam....I am appalled. But I had checked out other books by Graeme Base, and they recognized his name, though they hadn't gotten the one at Angkor Wat, which was his newest story. Lisa said the girls had loved it. So the library ordered it for me. The art in these stories is great, and I really enjoyed it. So we went to pick up that story, and to let the boys pick a few fall break stories. We didn't even make it out of the library, before Sam said he had to go potty, and they had to sit down to read. I'm surprised that Chris doesn't do more damage to his head the way he insists on reading while walking. Though I kind of like that he does that too.
After our library visit, and therapy, we decided to go for lunch.
I wanted to pick Eric up a gift card for Steak-n-shake, so that's where I took my boys.
And for once, they were really well behaved while eating in public.
Here's Mommy and her sweetboy. Turns out all three of my boys love a good cheeseburger like Steak-n-Shake makes. They thought I was goofy for trying on the kids' hats that come with the kid's meals. I think it works.
Well, some sweetboys are goofier than others.
Jacob mildly tolerated the hat.
But he did like cheeseburger, and cottage cheese with pineapple rings, and french fries and milkshakes. All the same foods from the place that I love to get, that brought Eric and I together, but that's another story. But Yeah, now Jacob eats just like he's my child too!
And sailor Sam is a goofus too.
They're all three pretty silly sweetboys. But Daddy and I were running away for a date night, so I was happy to have a little pre-date with my sweetboys first.
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