And my friend Amy (Amanda) said Yes. My sister and I are the only people in the world that still call her Amy. We were 4 when we met, our Mom's had met in classes together at Butler when they both went back to school for RT. And our families were fierce friends. I wonder if they had us call her Amy because it was the late 70s or because I couldn't say Amanda. But she goes by Amanda to everyone else, but me. Me she lets call her Amy. It is just confusing to anyone we're around. And when we get around each other, we can get silly, just like a pair of crazy kids. Amy is one of those rare gifts of a friend that no matter how much time we spend apart, when we are together, it's like no time has passed, and it can be scary how much we think alike, saying the same things at the same time. I hadn't seen her in almost 3 years when the oils brought us together this summer. Now I get to see her all the time! It's been Fabulous. It's also one more sign as to how much good the oils are doing in my life, bringing me closer to people. Anyway, Amy was interested in going. So we did.
We met at Eric's work up in Carmel. I grabbed the baby and the boys as soon as they got off the bus, and threw them in the car at 3:30, and met Eric just after 4, and gave him all the yahoos. Amy pulled in just as Eric pulled, so she hopped into Eric's car with me and we drove north. We arrived just in time to powder noses before the meeting started. I hadn't cared much what the meeting was about, I just wanted to meet Lauren and Corie. As it turns out the class was on Women's Health, and I learned about all kinds of Young Living products that can help with different women's issues. It was a good class. And these gals are all just so nice!
There were about 100 of us there. I'm the yahoo in pink on the right on the floor. We were the only ones crazy enough to drive up from Indy. They had door prize drawings and both of us won. I won a glass water bottle, hooray, now I can take my citrus water to go! And Amy won a diffuser necklace. So we really came out on top with our adventure.
On our way out, I took a cheesy selfie of us.
Turns out a 2+ hour drive there and back again is ALMOST enough time for us to get caught up in our conversations. Though we did have to chat all the way home, too... to keep each other awake.
It was a good night. It felt good to be so crazy. I hadn't done something so crazy and spontaneous in a long time. Well, once a year, right?
How fun!
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