Sunday, September 30, 2012

Eggs in our Basket


Saturday was the Ovarian Cancer Run/Walk.  Kathleen and I had been training for this race for the last 9 weeks.  Here's our Team:  Eggs in our Basket.

Kathleen and I have been training.  We were pretty well prepared.  We did a 30 min run on Tuesday night.  That was before I developed this cough.  I didn't run on Thursday, didn't even feel like it.  And this cough, goes so deep it makes me pee. I called my doc, but he wouldn't give me any good drugs.  Suggested I call my ob, since I'm a little bit pregnant.  Called the OBs office, they suggested robitussin and mucinex, which I'm taking but they don't really seem to be doing much.  Knowing that I was coughing like a maniac, and a little pregnant, I wasn't going to push myself very hard.  I knew I could do 2 miles, so I would give that a go, get as far as I could and if I started hurting or coughing, I'd walk.  There was no way I was going to miss this.  It was our goal for Kathleen and I.  I was going for my Grandma and Aunt Debbie.  They were way tougher having to deal with Ovarian Cancer.  I can handle a little cough.  

Plus it was the first time Eric and I have ever run together.  He kept saying he might not be able to keep up with us, he's been starting from scratch too.  But he runs way faster than we do.   

However, when everybody started running.  I felt Great!  It felt good on my hips to move.  There was such an energy of Hope, Triumph over Ovarian Cancer, WAHOO!! I took off.

I didn't make it very far.  We got to the circle, and I started coughing.  You know what?!  It hurts to cough and run at the same time.  Hurts my guts, hurts my head.  By the time we got around the circle I knew I was going to have to stop to cough.  And I probably wasn't going to be starting up again.  I told Eric and Kathleen they could walk with me, or keep running, and meet me at the finish line.  No prob.  They took off.  

Honestly, seeing them take off at such a great pace, while I slowed to hacker pace, still made me very happy.  Eric's pace was way faster than ours, but all our training was paying off, and seeing Kathleen's back, I know she's gonna hate that I posted this pic, I loved it, because it made me proud.  Made me proud to see her go on and kick some more ass! 

I walked.  I did not quit.  There was much coughing.  They gave out full water bottles about 1/2way through, and I took one. I was so glad, it helped wash the gunk down.  Helped a lot.  But I did not quit.  

I enjoyed the sites.  We went past LucasOil Stadium, Union Station, the Circle.  

As I was coming up to the 3 mile marker, this site greeted me.  A sweet husband, who ran all the way through to the finish line, then turned around to walk and find me.  Together we walked to the finish.  

I wanted to run across the finish line, that last .1 mile, maybe the last 200 yards, maybe the last 100.  Nope, That really didn't work so much, as my running muscles were just about kaput, and I ran about 20 feet and started gagging again, so I just ran across the finish line.  But I crossed it.  That's still something. 

Go get your stuff checked!  

  An annual exam, getting your ovaries tapped helps.  Not the pap smear.  And if you're a boy, or know one, tell them to get their business checked too.  A friend of mine was going through that particular battle this weekend too, he was in my thoughts and prayers as I walked too.  I may not have been walking specifically for boy parts, but for girls.  But girl or boy, no one deserves cancer, and we all should do our part to fight, and step one is get checked.  

   I didn't do a ton of fundraising this year, but every bit helps.  If you want to make a difference, Please Donate Here.