Tell you what, sometimes Facebook brings me Joy. Through Facebook, I rediscovered my roommate from my freshman year at Butler. She's seen not the best sides of me, and is still my Friend. We lost touch for a while, and by the time we hooked up again, we both had a pair of adorable boys. She came back to town for a visit, and was able to squeeze us in for a visit today.
Christopher's first reponse when he saw Carla and the boys was, "I've seen you on the Computer!", (he's watched some things on her blog and seen pics over my shoulder) to which Carla responded, Wow then I must be Famous! The boys dug right in, serious playing. Though Mine seem to need a bit more practice on Sharing.

They paired off a bit even; the younger two escaping from the elder to check out the house, like where Fina goes potty, and playing in her cage.

Sam, Chris, Ian, and Aaron. Getting them all to look up at the camera at the same time was like herding cats, and I call this one my most successful shot.

These two yahoos decided to take pictures of each other. SO CUTE! Don't know where they get it. ;)

Maybe from Mommies who haul around giant beasty cameras? Though this pic was actually taken by Christopher...not too shabby either. It's hard not to give a giant genuine smile to an adorable 4 year old with a camera as big as his head.

Hooray for old friends, and friendships developing among the younger generation!
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