Coming at you now, live from FLORIDA!!! I know, only we would be crazy to go to Florida at the end of July. Yup. Eric was sweet enough to take us to the airport, he got a gate pass, and was able to help me through security. Wonderful! And when we landed it was hot and humid, but not too bad, then again it was sunset.
Only I would be crazy enough to fly alone with the boys, Sam on my lap, and Chris next to me. They did ok. The ran through my gammit of toys and snacks. And I forgot to fill up my empty water bottles after going through the security.
I can't say it was a good flight, it wasn't really. But the people around didn't complain...much.
Let's just say Sam had an up-the-back diaper explosion, and Chris earned 4, maybe 5 timeouts for yelling, kicking, and persistantly trying to unbuckle himself. Good Times. But Mom, my MIL, met me just outside the security gate, to help with the boys. And Grandpa picked us up in his awesome Town and Country minivan, for a minivan it was a sweet ride!
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