Today my niece Annie turned 2! We welcomed her over to our house for a bit of Festivity. You know me, I can't resist little girls. I just have to take advantage of every chance I get to spoil little girls and smother them in pretty pink frufru. My sister is kind enough to let me.
The Girls: Lisa and Annie, just turned 2, and Charlie, almost 3 months.

Annie posing in her new "dress". I couldn't resist getting her this tutu'd swimsuit. It's a Swimsuit, it's a tutu, it's a Swimsuit AND a Tutu! I had to have it! IT'S SO FLUFFY! And Annie looked so precious in it!

There was a theme for her birthday, I got her a swimsuit, and a coverup, and a sprinkler ball. Well, Lisa thought this insane heat called for immediate use of all of the above. So we did. Annie and Chris just went bonkers playing in the water. There were three little spigots, and when they'd roll the ball, the water would spritz and mist everywhere. Not too shabby for a hot and humid day, but not so groovy while trying to take pictures. ;)

Lisa helped the birthday girl take a ride on the Sprinkler Ball.

Annie loved the feeling of the water on her feet. Pure Joy.

Wet cousins. Sam was not a fan of the sprinkler ball. He wanted to play with chalk instead. Chalk and water do not mix, the kids didn't seem to believe us.

When Annie and the kids came inside for supper, she put on her cover up, her other "dress" and she just loved wearing the hood, and playing around in it. I thought she looked like Dakota Fanning. Spooky. (No, not scary Twilight Dakota, but young I am Sam Dakota.)

So our little family put together a birthday cake for Annie. Eric baked it, I iced it, and Chris and I 'decorated' it. Chris chose the colors, but I think he thinks all girls should have Pink Cake. I let him add the color to the icing, and he went a little more red than pink. But Annie Loved It!

She got all smiley, bashful, kickey, and even more smiley when we started singing to her.

She could've gone all bonkers with her cake, but she ate with her fork. So at the ripe age of 2, she'sbecoming quite the young lady.

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