Last night, the boys went for a lovely evening swim with Grandma. They slept All Night. Even with NASTY storms. Tonight, after Grandma joined us for NY fare of hot dogs, hot sauce, and loganberry drink for supper, she invited us to pop over for another swim. We went. And it was Good.
Sam learned a new word: Ball. We were suspicious yesterday when he said something like "Aba" and slapped his hands loosely together in the Sign for 'help' when we asked Chris to go fetch the ball. Sam gladly chased the ball around the baby pool, repeatedly asking for the "aba".
He had to fight big brother for it. Though Chris was having fun being a Turtle chased by bad octupus or octopi as both Daddy AND Mommy played octopus. Sometimes at the same time. ;)

There's just something fabulously relaxing about a cool swim after a long hot day, even if it's just soaking in the baby pool.
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