Now I'm not normally one that's "Super" into sports. Many of you know this about me. But when the Hometeam is playing in the Super Bowl, I can't help but Support, and join that Crazy Bandwagon.
1. So, here we are, ready to Go Horse! Cheering for the Blue. GO COLTS!

2. Some college friends of ours invited us to a their Annual Super Bowl Party, this is the 1st year we've been able to make it. It was like New Old Times.

3. My favorite part of all, is all the "Cousins in the Bond" aka Butler Band Babies, that were having so much fun playing together. Here's Chris not drinking with the crew, but he got to sit at the kid table.

4. And Sam, couldn't help but want to play with the Julius twins, but now Kristin wants to play with him too!

5. Sam was also Very Interested in our friend Jen's computer. He was hysterical, totally beginning to push limits, slowly touching without wreaking too much havoc, then BAM, he'd go for pushing the screen. How did he know it was a touchscreen?

6. But Jen beat him! She tackled him into giggle fits.

7. Chris also got to join the kids in doing some painting as well as exhausting himself riding kiddie bikes, and playing chase, and watching movies, and sliding down the stairs. Our friends knew some high school students (who love kids and don't care about football) who watched the kids while we (mostly) watched the game. I can't thank all those kids enough. It was brilliant, and my children had a wonderful wonderful time.

The evening would have been Perfect if our team had won, but they didn't. However, second to perfect is still pretty stinking awesome too.
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