Thursday, February 27, 2014

No Mommy, I don't need a nap


Sam was back to eating normally this morning with no complaints of tummy aches.  So we did our thing and went to Kindermusik this morning.  He played some video games and had lunch.  When I asked if he wanted to nap while Jake and I did, he said No.  But while I nursed Jake on the couch, he pulled up a pillow and blanket next to me.  We moved our party to the bedroom, and as Jake continued to fight, merp, and cry, I hear Sam from the other room, "Mommy, that baby is Not Sleeping."  No he wasn't.  20 minutes later, I stepped into the loft to reboot the computer again, to see if it would help our internet come back on, it didn't, and the internet had been down all day.  But This was what I found.

He is so sweet when he sleeps.  He's into his 3rd hour for this nap. 


Cathy Willman said...

3 1/2 hours later, he woke in a sea of pee.:(