Saturday was a great day for our family. Chris and Sam spent the afternoon at St. A's VBS. Eric and I took advantage of the boys being occupied by getting some shopping done. Then the Fam came over for the evening. We realized that this weekend was Mom and Dad's 40th Anniversary. We are planning a big family vacation to the Club Med in Florida over Fall Break. This weekend was supposed to be the Willman Family Reunion in Ohio, but Mom was flying out to Florida Sunday morning. And with school starting this week, and vacation time already being spoken for, the rest of us just couldn't get away. I must admit, I have been sad missing the Fam Fest. However, Mom had a good idea this week, since Chris, Sam, Lexi and Kaylee were all in VBS together, we should do dinner on Saturday night. So everybody came over to our house, and we got pizza, and we picked up some cake and sparkling wine (and way too much other foods) for the occasion.
Here's a Top Ten from our Lovely Day.
1. Eric and I splurge on a venti carmel white frappuccino for two, while walking around Target all by ourselves. Oh the romance! One of the friends from VBS suggested that we do something a little romantic since we were only going grocery shopping on our break, so we did. Actually, sharing our very large beverage worked out just right. Plus grocery shopping with Eric is much more fun for me, than without.
2. When we returned to VBS, the kids were learning to "SHINE GOD'S LIGHT!" Chris got his flashlight.
3. Sam was waving his flashlight around pretty wildly.
4. There was flashlights, singing, and dancing. It was a good time!
5. My super silly niece, Alexis. See, she fits right in to this wacky family, putting olives on her fingers just like all of us. My boys haven't discovered olives...yet.
7. Our Happy 40th Anniversary cake. Blue and yellow were Mom and Dad's colors.
8. I'll blame Amy. I bought the cake, but she suggested Mom and Dad feed bites to each other. I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it. That was the Perfect sweet thing for them to do. 40 years of Marriage is a wonderful accomplishment. They are an Inspiration.
9. Dad takes his turn giving cake to Mom. I just love his smile here. My son gets a very similar smile.
10. 40 years later, this beautiful family is a pretty good showing for a life together well lived.
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