I would recommend every mom's group ever do this. I'm going to plug for it again next year. I was pampered with bath salts, and all manner of sugary sweets. It had been so long since I'd received loving surprises like that. And I had tons of fun poking around for gardeny goodies for my Mystery Mom. Our big Reveal was last week right before Chris's surgery.
I presented my mom Kim with some fresh cut irises from our yard.
My friend Kristin was my Mystery Mom, and she presented me with this red gerbera daisy.
With the recent events I hadn't had much time to enjoy it, until now. And blessedly, it survived, thrived even. So today, I got a quick chance (while the boy watched cartoons) to take a few pictures of it.
How appropriate that my little daisy even started sprouting a bud or two while we were gone.
These flowers remind me of sunshine, happiness and cheer. How perfect to cheer up this frazzled stressed mama. Thanks Kristin, for all your prayerful support the last couple months, and for all the goodies too. ;)
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