Last night, Chris's best friend Emily and her Irish Dance Troupe came to Brownsburg. Apparently, one of our local elementary schools had an International Festival. This was the first time we've gotten to see her dance since her dance school is too far for us.
Sam got to get a picture with the star as she waited in the hallway for her performance.
The wigs slay me.
Her group did such a wonderful job.
She actually came out and did a couple dances.
Ems and her group getting ready to dance.
They did such a great job!
After they danced, they came out on the floor and 'taught' some of us how to do a circle dance. I actually didn't stink at this. And Sam was my partner, and we did pretty decently. Not as good as Em of course, but for a girl who doesn't move her body as much as she should, I didn't stink too bad.
Maybe there's some Irish Dancer in me after all.
The boys with the star. She did a Great Job! I can't wait to go see her dance again, maybe we'll make it to Irish Fest next year, we haven't made it since we were newlyweds. We used to love to go see that stuff, might be nice, now that we know a Dancer. :)
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