Thursday, July 17, 2014

Stephens Park


Friday the 11th was the big boys last day at their Art Camp.  And they'd had lunch, so after I picked them up, Christopher asked me ever so calmly, "Mommy, since we are all done at Art Camp, may we celebrate by going to the park before naps?"  Wow.  I just don't know what to do with him when he approaches me so reasonably.  He was very understanding that Jake was going to need to nap soon.  But some cool fresh air is good for us.  So of course.  On the way there, I was discussing which park to attend.   I mentioned Stephens Park, one I'd never been to, which was nestled in on a quiet street.  We pulled up next to it, to "check it out", and the boys immediately got out, wanting to play.  We'd never been here, and it's a small, quiet, park.  But we were the only ones there, so we were definitely avoiding the crowds.  I liked that!

Christopher hopped right on the playground equipment and commenced to run wild.  

Sam wanted to swing, and he would all day if he could figure out how to get himself up there, and get those legs pumping on their own. I remember Kindergarten being a turnpoint for Chris and swings, his desire really picked up, and it was by summer following kindergarten the he figured it out.  I have no doubt Sam will figure out swings this year too!  He loves to swing!

Even Jacob climbed right up and started to play.  
Looks like he has no fear of playground equipment.  

Luckily, he stays close to the middle, and I don't need to worry about him falling off edges, especially when his big brothers are around.  He's starting to enjoy small slides now too.  

Three times the sweetness.  

Yeah, they talked Mommy into getting on the swingset too. 

I hadn't swung (swang?) like that in a long time.  Really got my juices flowing.   
And all the boys were giggling like mad.  It really is the most beautiful sound in the world.

Like I said, Stephens is a small, quiet park.  But it was perfect for us.  
We will definitely be back!