There they are. My babies.
Going back to school. In July. Gasp!
It's uncool, practically against my religion that my boys have to start school on July 31st.
It's like they are slowly cutting our summer break day by day. I didn't like it at all. Until about a week ago, when it was clear that they were ready for the beautiful routine of going back to school.
Chris starts Third Grade, and Sam starts Kindergarten.
It's a color theme for this school year.
Since Sam's favorite color is green, we got him a Green Lantern backpack and lunchbox, and found him some green Star Wars jedi shoes, that have lasers that light up green. And Christopher has the same Star Wars light up jedi shoes, that light up blue. Chris's blue backpack is actually blue and black and has Batman on it, their favorite superheroes.
These are my favorite superheroes.
Super Sweetboys!
OK, OK, the bus just went by on the other side of the neighborhood, now it was time to take that Long Walk to the end of the driveway. Mommy makes them stop for one last photo, and they were so excited, they just barely tolerated it.
We were actually ready and at the end of the driveway by the time the bus came. For once.
Always the first day of school we operate on time, but the rest of the year... not so much.
Then the bus came.
And I was ok with that. I was happy for them.
Until I saw Chris reach down for Sam's shoulder as the bus came to a complete stop at the end of our driveway. That got to me.
This was my favorite moment, when Chris reached over to guide his little brother to his first day of Kindergarten.
The bus steps were the size of Sam's legs!
Oh my baby!
Now, because I am a big sap, we chased the bus. As soon as the boys were on, we got in the car and dashed over to the school, so we could meet Sam as he got off the bus and escort him into his class.
We did that for Chris on his first day of Kindergarten. And what's right for one is right for two..or three. Honestly, the first day of school is the One Time in history the teachers don't look at you like you're crazy if you chase down the bus. There may be other days in life that I want to chase down the bus, but this one, the first day of Kindergarten, this time it's ok.
My big boy was so happy to see us when he got off the bus. He was pretty surprised to see us too.
We followed him into his classroom.
Daddy videotaped the long walk down the hall to the classroom too.
Daddy was videotaping, but as he walked in, he got a picture on his phone too.
He looks pretty tiny going into that giant classroom.
But he immediately knew what to do, we'd found his desk earlier in the week, he knew what was up.
And Daddy and I just lurked in the doorway.
Oh yeah, he's a cool kindergartner.
As I walked out with Jake in the stroller, I asked Eric to pop up and check on Chris. He did.
And he Psst'd him, and Chris turned. That class didn't mess around, they were immediately taking some kind of pre-test to gauge math skills. Big desks, big chairs, big kids. He's so big.
My Boys are Big now.
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