Saturday was supposed to be the boy's last swim class and a party for me. But swim class got cancelled for the rain. Frankly, I'm glad. I was able to drive up, pick up my sister and head to my friend Amy's house in Camp Tecumseh. We got our own little road trip going! We were going to have an Essential Oils class. My first. Amy and Lisa both signed up with me this month, and our Team was going to get together, make some oily stuff. My sister and I both brought all the oils we had. And though I planned on talking more about the history of the oils, and their many uses, I just prayed I was able to convey what a Blessing they've been in my life. I was really nervous. I had planned on having handouts and all kinds of information, and making food, and letting Amy's friends smell the goodness, and learning all about oils. But life got away from, and I needed to delegate. Luckily, everyone was able to contribute wonderfully. Amy made some wonderful recipes using oils - lemon hummus, lavender lemonade, and citrus fresh berry drink. I loved the theory of the Citrus Fresh Berry drink, but it was hard to get past the solid bits. In reality, my favorite was the lavender lemonade! But I wonder if maybe I overdid it, showcasing the oils in food instead of focusing on the body healing...and maybe left the oily food as a surprise for the end. It wasn't quite the educational wonderland I had planned in my head. But things rarely go as I wish they would. I wanted them to have as wonderful an experience with Essential Oils as I had. But still, we ended up talking about our experiences with oils.
I told about how I have been able to give up my reflux meds because I drink lemon oil in water every night. I've only taken my drugs twice. The boys, the big boys, were on their reflux meds, to the tune of 200$ a month, and since I've started them on Di-Gize diluted with olive oil, they haven't needed them either. Sam only had 1 night where he threw up, and that was because he didn't eat any dinner. And I'm saving my family 200$ a month in medications. Sam got bit up at camp and I used LLP on him, and he immediately said the pain was gone, and the inflammation reduced greatly simply overnight. These oils really do work! Everybody is different, so it can take a bit of trial and error to find the right mix of oils to work for individuals. I lucked out that for the boys and I, I found stuff right off. Now I've got to work on Eric...
But during this class, we had 3 guests, and Cindi, Amy, Lisa and I were able to share our experiences with the oils. I was able to get some ideas that will help me give a better class in the future. It was still nice to talk oils with my friends and family, and make some new friends. But overall, it was a really great experience, and I felt like our guests left knowing more about oils. If you reading this have any questions about oils, I'm sure any of us would love to talk about it. :)
And my sister and I got a mini-road trip out of the deal. I am really loving this Oily Life!
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