Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Perhaps the Last

We got a Beautiful snow last night.  The weathermen couldn't decide, based on our location how much we were going to get.  Our town bordered the dividing line between 2-4 inches and 5-8.  So we could have gotten anywhere from 2-8 inches of snow.  As you can imagine the news folks freaked out, and send everyone into a tizzy.  But once it started, it was just beautiful.  That kind of wet snow that sticks to the trees, and hugs everything, making it all so beautiful.  Anyway, I didn't even try this time to do a snow walk, but I did shoot out the back door, front door, and car window.  Simply Gorgeous.

This was my view from "My Spot" on the couch last night while the snow began to fall.  
I love our neighborhood.

From the moment the snow started to fall, right as Chris got home from school, it was Gorgeous.   

But right after dinner, the boys wanted to go out and play in it.  Even Sam.  Sam hasn't wanted to go out and play in the snow since December.  I couldn't resist.  They were too excited to try out the new "snowshoes" we'd picked for them at Wal-mart in January.  (That's probably why we haven't had any decent snow since January, BECAUSE we bought the snowshoes!)  

Unfortunately, Sam's didn't work.  They barely got down the first step before coming off, so Eric put him in the snow and he gave up, grabbing his shovel instead.  That worked.  

Chris made his last a little longer, taking a few tentative steps before pooping out.  
Then when he started to lose his mind, we decided they might make better shoes for hands, because the nifty animal footprints they leave showed up better when big boys in boots weren't putting so much pressure in the snow.

Chris with his "Snow Hand Shoes". 

Then the boys decided they needed to shovel the yard. ;)  

They were only outside for a few minutes, like 10, before surrendering.  Chris wasn't in the mood for cocoa, but Sam sure was.  

By this morning, we had This.  

Um, yeah.  Flipping Gorgous!!!

I just love the way the snow clings to the trees.  

I had a doctor's appointment, so I couldn't really use my energy of the day for a snow walk, but I snapped these pictures of the local cemetary as we drove through.  

Even the snow makes a graveyard look gorgeous.   

Thought this little statue was cool, of course, I had to max out my zoom on the point-and-shoot, which sacrifices clarity, but still Cool.  

 And then there's Princess....

For a prissy little dog who doesn't want to get her feet dirty, she really loves to go out and play in the snow.  


She was bounding and leaping around a couple trees, and came popping back up to the door covered in snow.   Girlfriend likes some big wet deep snow.  She's not a fan of rain or mud, but she loves to bound and leap like a little deer in the snow.  

My view out the back door.