“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
Happy Birthday also to Jeremiah Jason Thomas Willman!!!
My very first nephew was born today at 1:58 pm, weighing in at 8 pounds, 2 ounces, and 20 inches long.
Mommy and Baby are doing Wonderfully!
Today started out as a busy day for us, Dr. Seuss's birthday, and karate class and a funeral at church. But not Nearly as busy as for my brother and sister in law Ryan and Amy as they welcomed Baby Jeremiah into the world. After the funeral, my boyz all voted that we go to the hospital to see the new baby. I know, it's crazy, all of us packing up and invading. But we just had to. And I'm so glad we did. He's Beautiful. He doesn't necessarily look like his big sisters, he's his own boy, that's for sure.
My first nephew.
I really enjoy saying that.
The boys were rather entertained by saying My First Boy Cousin.
I think that's why we couldn't wait to go see him. When we got there, Mom and Dad W. and Karl were already there. Proud Grandma was parked in the corner rocking a sleeping sweetboy. My boys couldn't keep away. They had to immediately go over and touch his little hat, and oogle all over him.
Chris and Sam thought he was so cool. And so sweet. No one could stop smiling.
He made the most delicious little squeaky noises. The first I heard brought tears to my eyes, it was such a beautiful noise. And I thought I loved girl giggles.... A gaggle of boys is going to push me right off the edge.
Then we got to take turns holding him. Amy says he's such a good sweet baby, he'll just merp and squawk for like a half an hour before getting really serious. Oh yes, I could immediately tell he is such a good baby.
And just like when I held my niece for the first time, my eyes welled up, and I could barely see him. He was so beautiful. Soft, warm, sweet. I'm sure these words sound trite, they don't do him justice. He's a living breathing miracle. And he's Amazing.
And I'm the most proud Auntie!
Chris took this picture of me, he always gets good ones of me.
Then Chris asked nicely if he could hold the baby. So Grandma acted as backup as both boys "held" the baby. Sam thought he was so cute, and Chris couldn't take his eyes off him. They're going to be such great big cousins and brothers.
One more merp. Sam kept wanting to pet him, it was pretty adorable.
Chris even got his hands in position to hold him correctly for a moment.
When Sam wanted to hold him, we found it better to just put Jeremiah on Sam's lap, Grandma continuing as backup, Sam couldn't keep his hands away from Jeremiah's little mittened hands.
He is Beautiful.
But once my boys were done taking their turns, they got chock full of crazy. Evening isn't really anyone's best time in this household, but sometimes you just can't resist. And sometimes, getting out for 10 minutes is better than not going at all. I'm so glad we went. Thanks to Eric for herding all us cats through the hospital. But in our rush to leave, once the boys started losing their minds, we realized I didn't get any pictures of Ryan and Amy and we hadn't let Eric have a turn to hold the baby. He just smiled, I'll have plenty of chances, he says. Yes he will. I already can't wait for my next chances.
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