For the last couple weeks I've been hearing about the Christmas at the Zoo. And I've wanted to go. I know, It's Cold, It's Crowded...blah blah blah. Eric has been saying it all, but I stopped listening. So I took the boys last night.
Merry Christmas at the Zoo from the boys and I.
We needed cocoa. And I had no qualms about sharing with the boys. Even Sam. Who was totally stoked about being allowed to have Hot Cocoa. He was on Extra Adorable duty...for Cocoa. This one was for Nereus, the young walrus who passed away this fall. One of my favorites, he used to always say hello to us at the walrus window.

We went into Santa's Village, but it was disgustingly hot with tons of people. waited in the line to see Santa for 5 minutes, and it became clear Sam was not going to wait. Chris discovered we could write a letter to him instead.
The letter templates had Dear Santa and a bunch of blank lines, and Your Friend for him to fill in. Chris copied all the letters of the word. I suggested he then write "Watch" because he has asked for a Diego Watch. Sam of course had to get in on the action too. They were pretty cute.
We took the train ride around the zoo, and it was Beautiful. Cold. But Beautiful.
We even took a break to sing carols around a fire!
And the path was lit so lovely. That's Chris's head.
All we got to see of the White River Gardens exhibit were trees outside because it was closing by the time we got back up there. Chris had a monster tantrum because he wanted to see the reindeer. Yeah, it was Bedtime. But the trees were pretty.
After it took us a half an hour to leave the zoo parking lot, I decided I wanted to end the night on a less frustrating note, so we drove around the Circle to see the Tree. Chris hadn't been in his rememberance, and he was surprised.
It was Gorgeous! And Chris took one look at it, and said Look it's a Transformer on Top!" I laughed and started to explain the Soldiers and Sailors monument, summarizing that it was kind of like an Angel that looked out for soldiers and sailors. And he pipes up, "Well yeah, but it has Stormtroopers Inside!"
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