Today has been a weird one. After a week of 50 degree temps, we finally got some Snow. Starting off the day soft and silent, we curled up at home watching the snow fall. And we cherished the day. For the first time in a year, it was the second Wednesday of the month and we didn't have to go to Riley for a checkup or therapy.
However, we also got an unusual call yesterday regarding Christopher. The Summer and Winter Special Needs Day Camp that he attended last year is doing an article in Kids First. They asked me a while if I wanted to say anything, which of course I did. I greatly attribute Christopher's speedy recovery from surgery this summer to the hands on care he got by those therapists. And they helped Potty Train him too! We were all able to work together to get the job done, and Chris progressed by leaps and bounds last year. Anything I can do to help them, I wanted to do. So when they called asking to borrow Christopher for a "photo shoot", I worked with them. Here's the thing, Christopher is a walking talking Miracle, and this whole experience just cemented it, he is a Gift to everyone that meets him or hears his story.
So I kidnapped Christopher from school lunch and recess today and took him to over to the park, to have a photo shoot done with a professional photographer. I wish I'd gotten a card or something, she was wonderful, and all I know of her was her name was Carly. Someday I want to have the wherewithall to do pictures like she did. I sat back and observed, taking my own few candids.
And Chris did a wonderful job. He enchants all. And today was no different. I'm so Proud of him.
They wanted him to do some puddle stomping. He happily obliged!
Though Sam was not their primary target, he was happy to join brother in some playground outdoor play.
Check out Miss Carly shooting her fancy Christopher pictures. No, I'm not quite the photographer who goes laying down in the snow covered mulch. Not yet.
Then the therapists broke out the bubbles. Oh yeah, Big Hit!
Both boys went bonkers for bubbles.
It was a really neat Photo Shoot. I haven't done anything like that with the boys before, since it's usually so expensive, but since it's for the article, all fees are waived, and in the end, I'll get free copies of the magazine, and free pictures. Great Deal for me, all for the bargain slight inconvenience of pulling Chris out of school for a bit. He didn't mind at all.
Actually, I think it was the high point of our day, especially since by the time school is going to be out, all the snow will be gone. It was fun while it lasted, and we made the most of it while we could.
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