Or Happy Howl-oween, depending on who you talk to around here.
From the Dark Side!
A Top Ten show of my favorite pictures from Halloween.
1. The Dark Side Rules - Jacob is a wicked Pumpkin, Sam a Storm Trooper, and Chris Kylo Ren.
(FYI, Those are not Mickey Ears on Sam, it just so happens the googly eyes on the front door popped up right behind his head.)
2. Oh, there they are! Ready to aim and Fire!
3. I love how even the vicious can smile so sweetly. <3
4. Friends show up, and one is dressed Just Like Jacob!
Jacob and baby Alexis made the cutest pumpkins. They got quite a kick out of eachother!
Our Trick or Treating Crew!
Jacob and baby Alexis look so adorable together. She loved his bright outfit too.
Chris was super at holding her up for the group shot. It's hard to maneuver a 4 month old.
6. Jacob and John John.
Best friends. They were pretty sweet together too!
Our mad crew ran next door to us first, but no one was home. So we went into the neighborhood next door, because the houses are close together, and it's better lit when the sun goes down. They did well, really striking gold at every home!
There were a few homes with fire pits set up in the driveway, which is a great idea, I want to do that next year! The kids would run off ahead, being able to spot the crews ready for us. It was very different for me to allow such distance, but they all did a great job, even keeping an eye on the little ones.
9. The Great Pumpkin Floor Picnic
After we returned, we had a pot of Chili in the crockpot and some warm cornbread. They had to have some sort of dinner before they had candy. Their idea of dinner was cornbread. So they only had one candy each. Someone had given them root beer, so we shared one while Trick or Treating. So they weren't too sugared up, and they were happy to all sit and watch Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin before calling it a night.
10. Sam and I were toast.
Sam curled up next to me in his white longjohns that were his costume. Daddy called for him to come to bed, but we were too comfortable all snuggled up. For once, he wasn't being a wiggly giggly pillow, but my sweet snuggly warm sweetboy pillow. I had Chris take our picture, just so I could remember this moment. Snuggly sweetboy moments are getting fewer and fewer.
So, also are our happy Trick or Treating Experiences. But this year's was a great one!
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