Christmas Eve traditions - we curl up for stories. Usually, we go to church, come home and get ready for bed. Only this year, because Jake and I were sick, Eric took Chris and Sam to the 5 oclock service, we came home, snacked on leftovers, and then Eric popped over for the 7 oclock service, and was back in reasonable time for the rest of the evening.
My friend Hope took this picture for me of the boys during Children's Sermon at church.
Apparently, she thought they were being Extra Adorable.
I think any time they are behaving it's Extra Adorable!
Afterwards, we curled up to watch The Grinch Who Stole Christmas on naturally occurring tv. Our VHS copy wouldn't work this year, so it had to be on tv. The boys got so funny when we can't fast forward the commercials...or that there even are commercials. I could have pulled the old, "Back in my day...we watched it, and had to sit through the commmercials, couldn't even mute them if we wanted to, unless we wanted to get up to do it. Our parents made us get up and turn the channels, there was no remote control. And Everybody watched the Grinch, Rudolph, Frosty only on the 1 night a year they came on, there was no watching them all year long, or any time of the day." I may have mentioned one or two of those things. Maybe.
After our show, we curled up for story time. We chose The Polar Express, just like Aunt Debbie and Uncle Bob used to read to my cousin Robbie. I remember sitting, in a pile reading that story, when we'd hear jingling bells outside, I swear! It was so neat. Best warmest Christmasy memories. We read The Nativity Story too. Chris has gotten to the point, he can read it himself too. And recite the whole thing. He's got a wonderful grasp of Jesus' story. It's so neat to hear them recite it, and understand it. So very cool.
Jake chose Mouse's Christmas. It's his favorite...I could only think, it must be tasty.
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